Clip mask on all screen

Hello everyone.
I'm programming in C with xlib (standart libs).
I need set GC with transparent pixmap (in some pixels).
I have colored pixmap, that set tile for GC via XSetTile. This pixmap is painted on all screen.
And I have mask, created by this pixmap. This mask is set by XSetClipMask.
But mask is set only for one pixmap, that stay in (0, 0).
How I can multiple this mask on all screen?

Function create bitmaps from mulricolor pixmap (xpm), set context by each bitmap
and draw polygons with each context:

void XFillPolygonByPixmap(Display *disp, Drawable d, GC gc,
                          XPoint *polygon, int len,
                          Pixmap pixmap, Pixmap mask)
    const unsigned short MAX_PIXMAP_WHC = 50;

    unsigned short indData = 0;
    unsigned short currColor = 0;
    char colorHex[6];
    unsigned short ind;
    static signed short noneColor = -1;
    XpmImage xpmImage;       // xpm color of line
    unsigned short indBuf = 0;
    unsigned char buf = 0;
    static Pixmap currBitmap[MAX_PIXMAP_WHC];
    static Pixmap prevPixmap = NULL;
    static unsigned short indBitmap = 0;
    static unsigned long colorLong[MAX_PIXMAP_WHC];
    static unsigned int ncolor = 0;

    // Using tile if no mask in *.xpm
    if (!mask)
        XSetFillStyle(disp, gc, FillTiled);
        XSetTile(disp, gc, pixmap);
        XFillPolygon(disp, d, gc, polygon, len, Complex, CoordModeOrigin);

    // Generate new data. Else - use previous
    if (pixmap != prevPixmap)
        prevPixmap = pixmap;
        noneColor = -1;
        XpmCreateXpmImageFromPixmap(disp, pixmap, mask, &xpmImage, NULL);
        ncolor = xpmImage.ncolors;

        // Take all colors
        for (ind = 0; ind < ncolor; ind++)
            // for look and understand format of c_color use:
            // printf("%s\n", xpmImage.colorTable[ind].c_color);
            colorHex[0] = xpmImage.colorTable[ind].c_color[1];
            colorHex[1] = xpmImage.colorTable[ind].c_color[2];
            colorHex[2] = xpmImage.colorTable[ind].c_color[5];
            colorHex[3] = xpmImage.colorTable[ind].c_color[6];
            colorHex[4] = xpmImage.colorTable[ind].c_color[9];
            colorHex[5] = xpmImage.colorTable[ind].c_color[10];

            // Get index of None color in colorTable
            if (xpmImage.colorTable[ind].c_color[0] == 'N'
                    && xpmImage.colorTable[ind].c_color[1] == 'o'
                    && xpmImage.colorTable[ind].c_color[2] == 'n'
                    && xpmImage.colorTable[ind].c_color[3] == 'e')
                noneColor = ind;

            // Save all colors
            colorLong[ind] = strtol(colorHex, NULL, 16);

        for (ind = 0; ind < indBitmap; ind++)
            XFreePixmap(disp, currBitmap[ind]);

        // Create bitmaps for each color
        for (currColor = 0, indBitmap = 0;
             currColor < ncolor; currColor++)
            if (currColor == noneColor)

            // Filter all array on current color
            for (ind = 0, buf = 0, indBuf = 0, indData = 0;
                 ind < xpmImage.width*xpmImage.height; ind++)
                // If current pixel is equal current color - set high bit
                // else - bit is zero
                if ([ind] == currColor)
                    buf |= 0x80;

                // if index is equal width - shift right on width-indBuf bits
                bool flagWidth = ((ind+1)%xpmImage.width == 0);

                // If num of bits is 8 or flag is set, save data
                if (indBuf == 7 || flagWidth)
                    if (flagWidth)
                        while(indBuf < 7)
                            buf = buf >> 1;
                    data[indData++] = buf;
                    indBuf = 0;
                    buf = 0;
                    buf = buf >> 1;

            // Create bitmaps for each color
            currBitmap[indBitmap++] = XCreateBitmapFromData(disp, d, data,
                                               xpmImage.width, xpmImage.height);

    // For each color set stipple by bitmap  and fill polygon
    for (currColor = 0, ind = 0;
         currColor < ncolor, ind < indBitmap; currColor++)
        if (currColor == noneColor)

        XSetFillStyle(disp, gc, FillStippled);
        XSetForeground(disp, gc, colorLong[currColor]);
        XSetStipple(disp, gc, currBitmap[ind++]);
        XFillPolygon(disp, d, gc, polygon, len, Complex, CoordModeOrigin);