clear command issue

I need to clear the screen after each iteration but i cannot place clear where it needs to go to do that. I just keep clearing the screen before i can even see the choice I make.

while [ "$loop" = y ]
        tput cup 2 15 ; echo "File Menu List"
        tput cup 3 4 ; echo "L - Last Names"
        tput cup 4 4 ; echo "F - First Names"
        tput cup 5 4 ; echo "C - First and Last Name, sorted by city"
        tput cup 6 4 ; echo "S - First and Last Name, sorted by state"
        tput cup 7 4 ; echo "Q - Quit"
        read choice || continue
           case $choice in
            [Ll]) cut -d: -f2 HW2 ;;
            [Ff]) cut -d: -f1 HW2 ;;
            [Cc]) sort -t: -k3 HW2 | cut -d: -f1,2 ;;
            [Ss]) sort -t: -k4 HW2 | cut -d: -f1,2 ;;
            [Qq]) exit ;;
            *) tput cup 10 15; echo "Invalid Selection"; read choice ;;

Put in a verification query "You chose x, OK? ".