Cisco VPN pcf and OpenVPN

I was given my pcf file to login to work from home and wanted to use OpenVPN instead of the Cisco VPN client software. Can I use this pcf file with OpenVPN? I attempted to use vpnc:

but it just times out


I used vpnc instead:

HowTos/vpnc - CentOS Wiki

I had to add a couple of changes to my workvpn.conf file:

## generated by pcf2vpnc
IPSec gateway
IPSec secret abC@234!@#ds
Xauth username me
Xauth password AS@#fDSF
IKE Authmode psk
#IKE DH Group dh2
#NAT Traversal Mode cisco-udp
Local Port 10000   # add this line
#IKE Authmode psk


Glad you got it working.

Pretty sure OpenVPN is not a reimplementation of anything else but its own protocol.