Cisco Router command to get hostname

Hi All,

I am connected to a cisco router and I want to know the hostname of this router.

I connect as telnet <IPADDRESS>

and the prompt shows


But I want to know the full hostname of the router how can i do that.

When i type the hostname command the following error occurs.

% Unknown command or computer name, or unable to find computer address

If you can help.


Hi Rahul,
I dunno what a cisco router is but in general on unix systems, to find the ipaddress or machine details the command used is nslookup <hostname>
Hope this helps

your hostname is "vpnaccess-bristol", but you can also check it by typing the command "show running-configuration" or "sho run" for short. I hope this helps you out.

"vpnaccess-bristol" is not the complete hostname. Hostname is somewhat similar to In this case I know the hostname thats why I am able to tell you. Others I can't find it.

Your commands give the following error.

sho run
Command authorization failed.

show running-configuration
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

I have run the en command on the router to enable me executing the sho commands. For example, I can run the following on the router

sho clock
13:33:27.820 GMT Wed Feb 15 2006

Let me know if you can help.