CIFS share re-export NFS

Hi Guys,

need help here.

i have windows server that share a folder C:/ABCDE

i configure samba client in Linux server as /EDCBA and it working fine.

then i want to share this /EDCBA to another Linux server using NFS.
in the /etc/exportfs i have put
/EDCBA - *(rw,no_root_squash)

showmount -e show that everything is ok. but when i mount the nfs it unable to mount.

i did try few mount option some of the errors is :

mount: /EDCBA is not a known file system
and some of it no errors but when i do df -k, i cannot see the mountpoint mounted.

is it possible to be done using above method ? because i doubt, but i need a confirmation.


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