CICS is under stress

Hello, ppl.
I've never worked with aix earlier. now i have this:

CICS is under stress. CICS is short on Run Time Support storage

does anyone know where to look?

welcome, we trust you'll find the forum friendly and informative.

the post is very short on detail.
i suggest you start looking at the ibm support pages and trawl through them

you can/should also search online for those phrases - the search will return a number of potential links to help.

if you are not a sysadmin for the host that is having the issue then reach out to the support team within your organisation (or your team leader/manager ...) - raise a ticket/ask for help.

the post is short on detail because i don't know how to extract more details on aix. if u tell me what kind of stats can i gather in this perspective, i would appreciate

Unfortunately I have no access to AIX.

read the details on the sites/admin-teams as advised then come back once you've done some basic research.

It has been a long time since I supported AIX, but let's start here. Please share the output from

errpt |head -40 and df -IMk