I want to use chkconfig utility to simplify service management on Solaris 10. However, I couldn't find this utility. I tried " man chkconfig", the system return as " No manual entry for chkconfig". So what does this mean and how to find this utility on solaris 10? Thanks for your help. Happy New Year.
Thanks for your input. However, you didn't answer my question and give me any info that I need.
Then become familiar with google...
So, If everyone goes to google, why do we need this forum? This forum was built up for professional to help each other. If you won't spend time here, go to browse on google, other people would like to give people informative advice.
Ok, being that man chkconfig turned up nothing, and you could'nt find a solaris package for it anywhere, you may have deduced or learned through some simple search that it is not something that is used in Solaris. It is in fact something that Redhat created based on a utility in Irix. I tried to point you in that direction by providing a link to something in Solaris that does exactly what chkconfig does, without making you feel like an a$$. However your remark shows that you are unappreciative and your original post shows that you did not do the prerequisite internet or forum search before posting such a silly question.
You may be right. I didn't follow your direction and didn't do the prerequisite forum search. But do I have the right to ask question instead of doing search by myself. Did my behavior affect your life? Furthermore, where can we do forum search for previous posts? If you don't want to help others, don't express yourself with impolite words.
No you do not. The rules state:
(5) Search the forums database with your keywords before asking.
And there is a link to the search feature on every page. Please review the rules. I will close this thread due to numerous rule violations.
Duke0001 you were given advice about something to solve your issue. It is not the responability or obligation of any member to point you directly to the configuration and deployment information you seek, it is quite acceptable to give you a reference and expect you to do some of the work yourself, and advising that you search the web for something is normal AND acceptable.
Radar, I understanbd your frustration but the comments are not appropriate in this forum.
I remind you both of some the rules, suggesting that you follow them in future.
(1) No flames, shouting (all caps), sarcasm, bullying, profanity or arrogant posts.
(2) No negative comments about others or impolite remarks. Be patient.
(3) Refrain from idle chatter that does not contribute to the knowledge base.
***edit Perderabo beat me to it but I would also have been closing the thread.