Checking which arguments are supplied

I have written this C++ program and I am using getopt_long and want to chech when the user supplies the arguments so that I can put a default or otherwise.

Currently I am using hasargv or Pc.get_string("key",s), Pc.get_real("key",s), etc
to detect whether the user supplied a value.

For example, Pc.get_real("fred",s) returns the value associated with keyword fred in s and Pc.get_real("fred",s) returns true or false depending if the search for the keyword was successful.

Do you think this is ok or is it possible to improve the code somehow?

#include <stdio.h>   // for printf
#include <stdlib.h>  // for exit
#include <getopt.h>  // for getopt_long
#include <time.h>
#include "parsing.hh"
#include "genfunc.hh"
#include "dynbaseobj.hh"
#include "list.hh"
#include "stack.hh"
#include "tree.hh"
#include "velmod.hh"
#include "map.hh"
#include "ray.hh"
#include "source.hh"
#include "lglevel.hh"
#include "common.hh"
#include "clorfncs.hh"
#include "raytrac_doc.hh"
// Set default values
const double  dflt_angli   =   0.0;  ///< initial shooting angle.
const double  dflt_anglf   = 360.0;  ///< final shooting angle.
const double  dflt_dangl   =   2.0;  ///< increment in the shooting angle.
const Real    dflt_tstep   =   0.1;  ///< time step.
const Real    dflt_mdacc   =  -1.0;  ///< mdacc
const Real    dflt_mindist =  -1.0;  ///< mindist
const int     dflt_niter   =    10;  ///< number of iterations.
const char  dflt_ofrmt[] = "X T";    ///< Default output format.
const bool  dflt_headw = true;       ///< Default tracing of headwaves.
const IntgMethod  dflt_intgm = euler;  ///< Default integration method.

enum RTLevel {

void  write_frmt (
  ostream&  os,
  String&  frmt,
  int  sr,
  Vect2  Src,
  int  ph,
  int  rc,
  Real  Rec,
  Real  A,
  Real  T,
  Vect2   P

int  main (
  int  argc,
  char*  argv[]
) {
  for (int i = 0; i < argc;i++) {
      printf("***%s***\n", argv);
  int  c;
  int  digit_optind = 0;
  int  aopt = 0;
  int  bopt = 0;
  char*  val_ifbase = NULL;
  char*  val_ifmodl = NULL;
  char*  val_ifrcvs = NULL;
  char*  val_ifsrcs = NULL;
  char*  val_lsrcs = NULL;
  char*  val_lrcvs = NULL;
  char*  val_ofrays = NULL;
  char*  val_oftrvt = NULL;
  char*  val_ofrmt = NULL;
  char*  val_ifseiphs = NULL;
  char*  val_lseiphs = NULL;
  char*  val_intgm = NULL;
  char*  val_rtlvl = NULL;
  char*  val_hdwvs = NULL;
  char*  val_mltrf = NULL;
  char*  val_tstep = NULL;
  char*  val_textrp = NULL;
  char*  val_niter = NULL;
  char*  val_angli = NULL;
  char*  val_anglf = NULL;
  char*  val_dangl = NULL;
  char*  val_drybrk = NULL;
  char*  val_dtwpnt = NULL;
  char*  val_lglvl = NULL;
  bool  hasargv_ifbase = false;
  bool  hasargv_ifmodl = false;
  bool  hasargv_ifrcvs = false;
  bool  hasargv_ifsrcs = false;
  bool  hasargv_lsrcs = false;
  bool  hasargv_lrcvs = false;
  bool  hasargv_ofrays = false;
  bool  hasargv_oftrvt = false;
  bool  hasargv_ofrmt = false;
  bool  hasargv_ifseiphs = false;
  bool  hasargv_lseiphs = false;
  bool  hasargv_intgm = false;
  bool  hasargv_rtlvl = false;
  bool  hasargv_hdwvs = false;
  bool  hasargv_mltrf = false;
  bool  hasargv_tstep = false;
  bool  hasargv_textrp = false;
  bool  hasargv_niter = false;
  bool  hasargv_angli = false;
  bool  hasargv_anglf = false;
  bool  hasargv_dangl = false;
  bool  hasargv_drybrk = false;
  bool  hasargv_dtwpnt = false;
  bool  hasargv_colour = false;
  bool  hasargv_lglvl = false;
  bool  hasargv_brief = false;
  bool  hasargv_detailed = false;
  bool  hasargv_examples = false;
  bool  hasargv_help = false;
  bool  hasargv_invalid = false;
  // A string listing valid short options letters.
  const char* const short_options = "bdeh";
  // An array describing valid long options.
  static struct option long_options[] = {
      {"ifbase",  required_argument, 0,  10},
      {"ifmodl",  required_argument, 0,  11},
      {"ifsrcs",  optional_argument, 0,  12},
      {"ifrcvs",  optional_argument, 0,  13},
      {"ifsphs",  optional_argument, 0,  14},
      {"ofrays",  required_argument, 0,  15},
      {"oftrvt",  required_argument, 0,  16},
      {"srcs",    optional_argument, 0,  17},
      {"rcvs",    optional_argument, 0,  18},
      {"lseiphs", optional_argument, 0,  19},
      {"ofrmt",   optional_argument, 0,  20},
      {"intgm",   optional_argument, 0,  21},
      {"rtlvl",   optional_argument, 0,  22},
      {"hdwvs",         no_argument, 0,  23},
      {"mltrf",         no_argument, 0,  24},
      {"textrp",  optional_argument, 0,  25},
      {"tstep",   optional_argument, 0,  26},
      {"niter",   optional_argument, 0,  27},
      {"angli",   optional_argument, 0,  28},
      {"anglf",   optional_argument, 0,  29},
      {"dangl",   optional_argument, 0,  30},
      {"drybrk",  optional_argument, 0,  31},
      {"dtwpnt",  optional_argument, 0,  32},
      {"colour",        no_argument, 0,  33},
      {"lglvl",   optional_argument, 0,  34},
      {"brief",         no_argument, 0, 'b'},
      {"detailed",      no_argument, 0, 'd'},
      {"examples",      no_argument, 0, 'e'},
      {"help",          no_argument, 0, 'h'},
      {NULL, 0, NULL, 0}    // Required at end of array.
  int option_index = 0;
  while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, short_options, long_options, &option_index)) != -1) {
    int this_option_optind = optind ? optind : 1;
    switch (c) {
    case 0:
        printf("option h number\n");
        printf("option %s", long_options[option_index].name);
        if (optarg)  printf (" with arg %s", optarg);
    case 10:
        printf("--ifbase, option 10 with value '%s'\n\n", optarg );
        val_ifbase = optarg;
        hasargv_ifbase = true;
    case 11:
        printf("--ifmodl, option 11, with value '%s'\n\n", optarg );
        val_ifmodl = optarg;
        hasargv_ifmodl = true;
    case 12:
        printf("--ifsrcs, option 12, with value '%s'\n\n", optarg );
        val_ifsrcs = optarg;
        hasargv_ifsrcs = true;
    case 13:
        printf("--ifrcvs, option 13, with value '%s'\n\n", optarg );
        val_ifrcvs = optarg;
        hasargv_ifrcvs = true;
    case 14:
        printf("--ifseiphs, option 19, with value '%s'\n\n", optarg );
        val_ifseiphs = optarg;
        hasargv_ifseiphs = true;
    case 15:
        printf("--ofrays, option 16, with value '%s'\n\n", optarg );
        val_ofrays = optarg;
        hasargv_ofrays = true;
    case 16:
        printf("--oftrvt, option 17, with value '%s'\n\n", optarg );
        val_oftrvt = optarg;
        hasargv_oftrvt = true;
    case 17:
        printf("--lsrcs, option 14, with value '%s'\n\n", optarg );
        val_lsrcs = optarg;
        hasargv_lsrcs = true;
    case 18:
        printf("--lrcvs, option 15, with value '%s'\n\n", optarg );
        val_lrcvs = optarg;
        hasargv_lrcvs = true;
    // RAYTRACING ARGUMENTS ----------------------------------------------------
    case 19:
        printf("--lseiphs, option 20, with value '%s'\n\n", optarg );
        val_lseiphs = optarg;
        hasargv_lseiphs = true;
    case 20:
        printf("--trvt-frmt, option 18, with value '%s'\n\n", optarg );
        val_ofrmt = optarg;
        hasargv_ofrmt = true;
    case 21:
        printf("--intgm, option 21, with value '%s'\n\n", optarg );
        val_intgm = optarg;
        hasargv_intgm = true;
    case 22:
        printf("--rtlvl, option 22, with value '%s'\n\n", optarg );
        val_rtlvl = optarg;
        hasargv_rtlvl = true;
    case 23:
        printf("--hdwvs, option 23\n\n" );
        hasargv_hdwvs = true;
    case 24:
        printf("--mltrf, option 24\n\n" );
        hasargv_mltrf = true;
    case 25:
        printf("--tstep, option 25 with value '%s'\n\n", optarg );
        val_tstep = optarg;
        hasargv_tstep = true;
    case 26:
        printf("--textrp, option 26\n\n" );
        hasargv_textrp = true;
    case 27:
        printf("--niter, option 27, with value '%s'\n\n", optarg );
        val_niter = optarg;
        hasargv_niter = true;
    case 28:
        printf("--angli, option 28, with value '%s'\n\n", optarg );
        val_angli = optarg;
        hasargv_angli = true;
    case 29:
        printf("--anglf, option 29, with value '%s'\n\n", optarg );
        val_anglf = optarg;
        hasargv_anglf = true;
    case 30:
        printf("--dangl, option 30, with value '%s'\n\n", optarg );
        val_dangl = optarg;
        hasargv_dangl = true;
    case 31:
        printf("--drbrck, option 31, with value '%s'\n", optarg );
        val_drybrk = optarg;
        hasargv_drybrk = true;
    case 32:
        printf("--dtwpnt, option 32, with value '%s'\n", optarg );
        val_dtwpnt = optarg;
        hasargv_dtwpnt = true;
    // INFORMATION ARGUMENTS ---------------------------------------------------
    case 33:
        printf("--colour, option 33, with value '%s'\n", optarg );
        hasargv_colour = true;
    case 34:
        printf("--lglvl, option 34, with value '%s'\n", optarg );
        val_lglvl = optarg;
        hasargv_lglvl = true;
    // -b or --brief
    case 'b':
        hasargv_brief = true;
        //print_usage(stdout, 0, clor);
    // -d or --detailed
    case 'd':
        hasargv_detailed = true;
        //print_help(stdout, 0, clor);
    // -h or --help
    case 'h':
        hasargv_help = true;
        //print_help(stdout, 0, clor);
    // -e or --examples
    case 'e':
        hasargv_examples = true;
        //print_examples(stdout, 0, clor);
    // invalid option.
    case '?':
        hasargv_invalid = true;
        //print_usage(stderr, 1, clor);
        printf("?? getopt returned character code 0%o ??\n", c);
  // Process the remaining non-option arguments. OPTIND points to first non-option argument.
  if (optind < argc) {
      printf ("Non-option ARGV-elements:\n");
      for (int i = optind; i < argc; ++i) {
          printf("%s ", argv);
  bool  colourise = false;
  if (hasargv_colour) {
      colourise = true;
  if (argc < 2) {
      print_usage (stdout, 0, colourise);
  if (hasargv_brief) {
      print_usage (stdout, 0, colourise);
  if (hasargv_detailed  ||  hasargv_help) {
      print_help (stdout, 0, colourise);
  if (hasargv_examples) {
      print_examples (stdout, 0, colourise);
  Parsing  Pc(argc, argv);
  // Set logging level
  LgLevel  lglvl;
  String  s = "medium";
  if (hasargv_lglvl) {
      Pc.get_string ("lglvl", s);
  if ( !get_log_level (s,lglvl) ) {
      error ("invalid value for --lglvl");
  if (lglvl >= medium) {
      cerr << "--lglvl = " << s << " " << lglvl << endl;
  // Program description
  String  msg = "raytrac    2-D raytracing program";
  if (lglvl >= medium) {
      cout << "\nPROGRAM\n" << msg << "\n\n" << endl;
  Real  mdacc   = dflt_mdacc;
  Real  mindist = dflt_mindist;
  Map  M;
  Velmod  vm;
  Source**  Src;
  List<Phase>   Ph;
  List<Vect2>   Sr;
  List<Real>    Rec;
  List<String>  Ls;
  String  s1;
  int  nPhases;
  int  nsrcs;
  int  nrcvs;
  int  i;
  // ifmodl
  // name of file containing the model
  String  ifmodl;
  ifstream  ifs_modl;
  Parsing  Pvm;
  if ( !Pc.get_string("--ifmodl", ifmodl) ) {
      error("--ifmodl required");
  if (lglvl >= low) {
      cerr << "reading 2-D sound speed model " << ifmodl << endl;
  if (ifs_modl.bad()) {
      error("--ifl-modl failed to open");
  // ifseiphs
  // File containing seismic phases to model
  String  ifseiphs;
  String  lseiphs;
  Phase  phase;
  if (Pc.get_string("--ifseiphs", ifseiphs)) {
      ifstream  pph;
      Parsing  Pph;;
      if (pph.bad()) {
          error ("seismis phases file failed to open");
      if ( !Pph.get_list("PHASES", Ls) ) {
          error ("No phases declared in seismic phases file");
      nPhases = Ls.size();
      for (i = 0; i < nPhases; i++) {
          Ph += phase;
  // lst-sphs
  // List of seismic phases to model
  } else if (Pc.get_string("--lseiphs", lseiphs)) {
      cerr << "lseiphs = " << lseiphs;
      nPhases = lseiphs.nfields(':');
      cerr << ", nPhases = " << nPhases << endl;
      for (i = 0; i < nPhases; i++) {
          s1 = lseiphs.get_token(':');
          cerr << "Phase " << i+1 << ", s1 = " << s1 << endl;
          phase.convert(s1);  // Convert phase string to Phase class
          Ph += phase;        // Append phase to the list of phases
          cerr << "phase is " << phase;
  } else {
      error ("--ifseiphs or --lseiphs argument required");
  if (lglvl == high) {
      for (i = 0; i < nPhases; i++) {
          cerr << endl << "Ph[" << i+1 << "] = " << Ph << endl;
      cerr << endl;
// Definitions: List<Phase> Ph, Map M
// In M.Add(Ph), we create Tree<ElMap>* T = M
  for (i = 0; i < nPhases; i++) {
  }   // Calls Map::Add
  if (lglvl >= medium) {
  }             // Calls Map::Print
  cerr << endl;
// READ SOURCE LOCATIONS -------------------------------------------------------
  Vect2  source;
  // ifsrcs  File containing list of sources
  String  ifsrcs;
  String  lsrcs;
  if (Pc.get_string("--ifsrcs", ifsrcs)) {
      ifstream  psr;
      Parsing  Psr;
      cerr << "reading sources from file" << s;;
      if (psr.bad()) {
          error ("srfile failed to open");
      if ( !Psr.get_list("SOURCES", Ls) ) {
          error ("no sources declared in sources file");
      nsrcs = Ls.size();
      Src = new Source *[nsrcs];
      for (i = 0; i < nsrcs; i++) {
          Ls >> source;
          Src = new Source(source, Ph);
          Sr += source;
  // lsrcs  List of sources
  } else if (Pc.get_string("--lsrcs", lsrcs)) {
      nsrcs = lsrcs.nfields(':');
      Src = new Source *[nsrcs];
      for (i = 0; i < nsrcs; i++) {
          s1 = lsrcs.get_token(':');
          s1 >> source;
          Src = new Source(source, Ph);
          Sr += source;
  } else {
      error ("--ifsrcs or --lsrcs argument required");
  if (lglvl >= medium) {
      cerr << ", nsrcs = " << nsrcs << endl;
  if (lglvl == high) {
      for (i = 0; i < nsrcs; i++) {
          cerr << "  Source " << (i+1) << "   Location " << Sr << endl;
      cerr << endl;
  Real  receiver;
  // ifrcvs  File containing list of receivers
  String  ifrcvs;
  String  lrcvs;
  if (Pc.get_string("--ifrcvs", ifrcvs)) {
      ifstream  prc;
      Parsing  Prc;;
      cerr << "Reading receiver locations from file" << s;
      if (prc.bad()) {
          error ("receivers file failed to open");
      if ( !Prc.get_list("RECEIVERS", Ls) ) {
          error ("No receivers declared in receivers file");
      nrcvs = Ls.size();
      cerr << ", nrcvs = " << nrcvs << endl;
      for (i = 0; i < nrcvs; i++) {
          Ls >> receiver;
          Rec += receiver;
  // lrcvs  List of receivers
  } else if (Pc.get_string("--lrcvs", lrcvs)) {
      if (lrcvs[0] == '@') {
          Real  xi;
          Real  xf;
          Real  dx;
          lrcvs >> xi >> xf >> nrcvs;
          dx = (xf - xi) / (nrcvs - 1);
          for (i = 0; i < nrcvs; i++) {
              Rec += xi + (i * dx);
      } else {
          nrcvs = lrcvs.nfields(':');
          for (i=0; i<nrcvs; i++) {
              s1 = lrcvs.get_token(':');
              s1 >> receiver;
              Rec += receiver;
  } else {
     nrcvs = 0;
  if (lglvl == high) {
      for (i = 0; i < nrcvs; i++) {
          cerr << "  Receiver " << (i+1) << ". Location " << Rec << endl;
      cerr << endl;
  // rtlvl  Level of raytracing
  s = String("twpnt");
  RTLevel  rtlvl = twpnt;
  if (Pc.get_string("--rtlvl",s)) {
      if (s == String("rysht")) {         // ray shooting
          rtlvl = rysht;
      } else if (s == String("hdwvs")) {   // trace headwaves
          rtlvl = hdwvs;
      } else if (s == String("rybrk")) {  // receiver bracketing
          rtlvl = rybrk;
      } else if (s == String("twpnt")) {   // two point raytracing
          rtlvl = twpnt;
      } else {                             // invalid trace level
          error("invalid value for argument --rtlvl");
  if ((nrcvs == 0) && (rtlvl == twpnt)) {
      rtlvl = rybrk;
      s = String("rybrk");
  if (lglvl >= medium) {
      cerr << "rtlvl = " << s << endl;
  // ofrays  File containing of file containing ray paths
  String  ofrays;
  ofstream  ofs_rays;
  if (Pc.get_string("--ofrays", ofrays)) {;
      if (ofs_rays.bad()) {
          error ("File containing raypaths failed to open for writing");
      if (lglvl >= medium) {
          cerr << "--ofrays = " << ofrays << endl;
  // oftrvt  File containing ray travel-times
  String  oftrvt;
  ofstream  ofs_trvt;
  if ( !Pc.get_string("--oftrvt", oftrvt) ) {
      error ("--oftrvt is a required argument");
  if (ofs_trvt.bad()) {
      error ("File containing travel times failed to open for writing");
  if (lglvl >= medium) {
      cerr << "--oftrvt = " << oftrvt << endl;
  // ofrmt
  String  ofrmt = "xrcv trvt";
  if (hasargv_ofrmt) Pc.get_string("--ofrmt", ofrmt);
  //  if ( !Pc.set_string("--ofrmt", ofrmt) ) {
  //  }
  if (lglvl >= medium) {
      cerr << "--ofrmt = " << ofrmt << endl;
  // intgm  Ray integration method
  s = "euler";
  IntgMethod  intgm;
  if (hasargv_intgm) {
      Pc.get_string("--intgm", s);
  if ( !get_integration_method(s, intgm) ) {
      error ("--intgm is a required argument");
  if (lglvl >= medium) {
      cerr << "--intgm = " << s << endl;
  // tstep
  // integration time
  Real  tstep = 0.1;
  if (hasargv_tstep) {
      Pc.get_real("--tstep", tstep);
  if (lglvl >= medium) {
      cerr << "--tstep = " << tstep << endl;
  // angli
  // initial shooting angle
  double  angli = 0.0;
  if (hasargv_angli) {
      Pc.get_double("--angli", angli);
  if (lglvl >= medium) {
      cerr << "--angli = " << angli << endl;
  // anglf
  // final shooting angle
  double  anglf = 360.0;
  if (hasargv_anglf) {
      Pc.get_double("--anglf", anglf);
  //  if (Pc.get_double("--anglf", anglf)) {
  //  }
  if (lglvl >= medium) {
      cerr << "--anglf = " << anglf << endl;
  // dangl  increment in the shooting angle
  double  dangl = 1.0;
  if (hasargv_dangl) {
      Pc.get_double("--dangl", dangl);
  //  if (Pc.get_double("--dangl", dangl)) {
  //  }
  if (lglvl >= medium) {
      cerr << "--dangl = " << dangl << endl;
  // niter  maximum number of allowable iterations
  int  niter = dflt_niter;
  if (Pc.get_int("--niter", niter)) {
      if (lglvl >= medium) {
          cerr << "--niter = " << niter << endl;
  // rybrk mdacc
  if (Pc.get_string("--rybrk", s)) {
      if (s == String("always")) {
          mdacc = -1;
      } else {
          s >> mdacc;
      if (lglvl >= medium) {
          cerr << "--mdacc = " << mdacc << endl;
  // twpnt
  if (Pc.get_string("--twpnt", s)) {
      if (s == String("auto"))  {
          mindist = -1;
      } else  {
          s >> mindist;
      if (lglvl >= medium) {
          cerr << "--mindist = " << mindist << endl;
  // hdwvs  Trace head-waves
  String  hdwvs_sw;
  if (Pc.get_string("--hdwvs", hdwvs_sw)) {
      if (hdwvs_sw == String("on"))  {
          key_hdwvs = true;
      } else if (hdwvs_sw == String("off")) {
          key_hdwvs = false;
      } else {
          error("invalid value for --headwv");
      if (lglvl >=  medium) {
          cerr << "--headwv = " << s << endl;
  // multr ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  // traces multiple reflections
  String  mltrf_sw;
  if ( Pc.get_string("--mltrf", mltrf_sw) ) {
      if (mltrf_sw == String("on")) {
          key_mltrf = true;
      } else if (mltrf_sw == String("off")) {
          key_mltrf = false;
      } else {
          error("invalid value for --multrf");
      if (lglvl >= medium) {
          cerr << "--multrf = " << s << endl;
  // textrp --------------------------------------------------------------------
  // extrapolates traveltimes
  String  textrp_sw;
  if ( Pc.get_string("--textrp", textrp_sw) ) {
      if (textrp_sw == String("on")) {
          key_textrp = true;
      } else if (textrp_sw == String("off")) {
          key_textrp = false;
      } else {
          error("invalid value for argument --textrp");
      if (lglvl >= medium) {
          cerr << "--textrp = " << textrp_sw << endl;
// Ray Tracing -----------------------------------------------------------------
  time_t  Begin = time(NULL);
  int  sr;
  int  rc;
  int  ph;
  List<Real>  A;
  List<Real>  T;
  List<Vect2>  P;
  List<Vect2>  X;
  if (lglvl >= low) {
      cerr << endl << endl
           << endl << "" << endl
           << "Ray shooting"
           << endl << "Store results in the .ry and .tx files" << endl;
  for (i = 0; i < nsrcs; i++) {
// Output
  if (hasargv_ofrays) {
      ofs_rays << '>' << endl;
  ofs_trvt << '>' << endl;
// Start for loop < sr >
  for (sr = 0; sr < nsrcs; sr++) {
      if (lglvl >= medium) {
          cerr << "Shot " << sr+1 << ". " << Src[sr]->get_src();
      if (lglvl >= medium) {
          cerr << " rshoot";
      if ( !Src[sr]->ray_shooting(angli, anglf, dangl) ) {
          if (sr < 9) {
              cerr << "Shot " << sr+1 << ". " << endl;
          } else {
              cerr << "Shot " << sr+1 << ". " << endl;
          error ("Src[sr]->ray_shooting failed");
      if (hasargv_hdwvs && (rtlvl >= hdwvs)) {
          if (lglvl >= medium)  cerr << ", hdwvs";
          if (!Src[sr]->trace_headwaves()) {
              error ("Src[sr]->trace_headwaves failed");
      for (ph = 0; ph < nPhases; ph++) {
          if (rtlvl >= rybrk) {
              if (lglvl >= medium) {
                  cerr << ", rybrk";
              if (!Src[sr]->receiver_bracketing(ph)) {
                  error ("receiver_bracketing failed");
          if (rtlvl == twpnt) {
              if (lglvl >= medium) {
                  cerr << ", twopnt";
              if (!Src[sr]->two_point(ph, Rec, mindist, niter)) {
                  error("Src[sr]->two_point failed");
      cerr << endl;
// ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---
      if (nrcvs > 0) {
        for (ph = 0; ph < nPhases; ph++) {
          for (rc = 0; rc < Rec.size(); rc++) {
              Src[sr]->get(Rec[rc], A, T, P, ph, key_textrp, mdacc);
              if (hasargv_mltrf || (A.size() == 1)) {
                  for (i = 0; i < A.size(); i++) {
                      write_frmt (ofs_trvt, ofrmt, sr, Sr[sr], ph, rc, Rec[rc], A, T, P);
              } else if (A.size() > 0) {
                  int  min = 0;
                  for (i = 1; i < T.size(); i++) {
                      if (T < T[min]) { min = i; }
                  write_frmt (ofs_trvt, ofrmt, sr, Sr[sr], ph, rc, Rec[rc], A[min], T[min], P[min]);
          ofs_trvt << '>' << endl;
        if (hasargv_ofrays) {
          for (ph = 0; ph < nPhases; ph++) {
            for (rc = 0; rc < Rec.size(); rc++) {
                Src[sr]->write_rays (ofs_rays, Rec[rc], ph, key_mltrf, mdacc, key_textrp);
      } else {
        for (ph = 0; ph < nPhases; ph++) {
            Src[sr]->get(A, T, P, X ,ph);
            for (i = 0; i < A.size(); i++) {
                write_frmt (ofs_trvt, ofrmt, sr, Sr[sr], ph, rc, X.X, A, T, P);
            ofs_trvt << '>' << endl;
        if (hasargv_ofrays) {
      } // End loop < if nrcvs >
  } // End for loop < sr >
  if (lglvl >= medium) {
      cerr << endl << "computation time = "
           << (time(NULL)-Begin) << "s " << "(" << (time(NULL)-Begin)/60 << "min)" << endl;
  return (0);

void  write_frmt (
  ostream&  os,
  String&  frmt,
  int  sr,
  Vect2  Src,
  int  ph,
  int  rc,
  Real  Rec,
  Real  A,
  Real  T,
  Vect2  P
) {
  int  nf = frmt.nfields();
  String  F = frmt;
  int  i;
  String  s;
  for (i = 0; i < nf; i++) {
      s = F.get_token();
      if (s == String("xrcv")) {
          os << Rec << ' ';
      } else if (s == String("xsrc")) {
          os << Src.X << ' ';
      } else if (s == String("zsrc")) {
          os << Src.Z << ' ';
      } else if (s == String("trvt")) {
          os << T << ' ';
      } else if (s == String("angl")) {
          os << A << ' ';
      } else if (s == String("pray")) {
          os << P.X << ' ';
      } else if (s == String("pxray")) {
          os << P.Z << ' ';
      } else if (s == String("pzray")) {
          os << P.X << ' ';
      } else if (s == String("srdist")) {
          os << ( Rec - Src.X ) << ' ';
      } else if (s == String("tau")) {
          os << (T - P.X * (Rec - Src.X)) << ' ';
      } else if (s == String("isrc")) {
          os << sr << ' ';
      } else if (s == String("ircv")) {
          os << rc << ' ';
      } else if (s == String("iphs")) {
          os << ph << ' ';
      } else {
          error("invalid value for argument --ofrmt");
  os << endl;

We've been over this. Set the defaults in the first place. If the user supplies an argument, overwrite the default. You don't even need those billions of hasarg variables.

If an argument is mandatory, set no default, and check at the bottom of the variable was set to any value.

You are right, that was when I was doing shell scripts.

---------- Post updated at 08:38 PM ---------- Previous update was at 08:33 PM ----------

I have done something like this

string  str;
  if (val_lglvl == NULL) {
      str = "normal";
  } else {
      str = string(val_lglvl);
  lglvl = get_log_level3(str);

We've been over this. All those if's and extra variables are pointless.

Set the value you want in the first place. Let getopt change it if the user wants. You get the same result with a quarter of the code.

const char *val_lgvl="normal";
const char *mandatory_arg=NULL;

// if getopt finds the option, it will get set to what they want.
// if get opt doesn't find the option, it will remain "normal".
// the mandatory argument will stay NULL if it's not set.
// getopt code
// end of getopt code


if(mandatory_arg == NULL)
        printf("mandatory_arg not specified\n");