Checking the time of last file received?


Is there a way of looking at the last file received and checking whether it is more than 24 hours old?


I need to look in a directory, get the date of the processed file and make sure it wasn't more than a day ago. If it is more than 1 day ago I need to highlight that the mechanism that is sending the files might have gone down.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Read man find


I've had a look and can see that -mtime, -atime etc can be used to find files for n number of days.

Do you know:

  • How to relate this to only the last file received in that directory?
  • If I put '-mtime 1' when does the 1 start from? i.e. is it the a day from the execution time or calendar day?

Thanks again

1 or +1 is over one day, -1 is less that a day :slight_smile:
You can send the result to sort and head or tail.

U can use this as hint.

ls -lrt | tail -1 | awk '{print $6 $7 "-"$8}'

Thanks :b:

On the risk of being cheeky (infact it is cheeky) how would I link this with the mtime/atime command? :o


Still struggling to link these two commands together?


Below is the script.There are steps which could have clubbed with other steps but I kept them separate for clarity.See if this script helps you.

#Usage : directoryname
#Purpose: this script takes last modified file from directory.Directory is passed
# as an argument while calling script and report if file is older or newer than last 24 hrs
#logic: step1 list last modified file
# step2 Take last modified time of the file by parts
# step3 convert last modified time of file and system time into seconds
# step4 take diff of two times and check for 24 hrs.

#month_to_num function takes Month name as
#argument and return index value of month
month_to_num() {
if [ -n "$1" ]
case $t_month in

Jan) return 01;;
Feb) return 02;;
Mar) return 03;;
Apr) return 04;;
May) return 05;;
Jun) return 06;;
Jul) return 07;;
Aug) return 08;;
Sep) return 09;;
Oct) return 10;;
Nov) return 11;;
Dec) return 12;;
*) return 0;;


modf_time=`ls -ltr "$1" | tail -1`

#BElow commands take Hr min Yr month day individually
#retuned by long listing of last file

time_month=`echo $modf_time | awk '{print $6}'`
time_day=`echo $modf_time | awk '{print $7}'`
time_hrmin=`echo $modf_time | awk '{print $8}'`
time_hr=`echo $time_hrmin | cut -d ':' -f1`
time_min=`echo $time_hrmin | cut -d ':' -f2`
filename=`echo $modf_time | awk '{print $9}'`

#assuming system time year and file modified year are same
century=`date '+%Y'`

#converts month Name to numeric number
month_to_num $time_month
echo "month index $v_month_index"

filedatetemp="${century}-${v_month_index}-${time_day} ${time_hr}:${time_min}"

#converts file time to seconds
filedate=`date --utc --date "$filedatetemp" +%s`

#converts system time to seconds
sysdate=`date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M' | date '+%s'`


if [ $diffSec -le 0 ]
then abs=-1
else abs=1

# 24 hr in secs =24*60*60 sec
if [ $x -le 86400 ]
echo "File $filename is newer than 24 hrs"
echo "File $filename is older than 24 hrs"

Hi and thanks for the script.
When I try to run the script it produces the following error:

month index 5
date: -- illegal option
Usage: date [-u] [+format]
date [-u] [-t [[CC]YYMMDDhhmm[.SS] | MMDDhhmm[YY] ]
./UNIX_SCRIPT[72]: %s: syntax error

Another question is you have mentioned that the file must be passed as an argument? At the time of doing this check I won't know the latest file and would need to check in the current direcotry fot it.

Does this script do that? (The script is way above my knowledeg of Unix)


Just a basic solution

a=`find /Archive/Files/h/ -name *.dat -type f -ctime -1`
test -z $a && echo NOK #do something here...