Check the process

I want to find the pid ( by ps ) that has already run over 30 seconds , I know ps only show the minute/hour .

eg. the start time of the below process are 15:19 / 15:20 , but I don't know the exact time ( in term of "second" ) it start to run ( I only know the hour and minute ) , if I want to find which of these jobs that it has started to run over 30 seconds ( it should be 8212 , 8215 , 8221 ) , what can I do ? thx

#ps -ef |grep ora

root 8212 1 0 15:19 ? 00:00:00 ora
root 8215 1 0 15:20 ? 00:00:00 ora
root 8221 1 0 15:20 ? 00:00:00 ora
root 8224 1 0 15:20 ? 00:00:00 ora

Mon Sep 26 15:20:35 CST 2005

Looks like you have reposted again. This is your original post - check the process. Rules says no re-post.

Use this command as a starting point.

ps -eo pid,start_time,cmd


thx reply ,

the two cases are not talking the same thing , in your script "ps -eo pid,start_time,cmd" , how to use the start_time , could provide a example ? thx