Check for not null column in a pipe delimited file


I have a requirement where I have to check whether the mandatory columns in a pipe delimited file is null and print error message.
For eg, I have to check if the 3rd,5th,6th,7th and 8th column are null and print the message "<column name> is null".
The data file will have aroung 100,000 records.
Please help!


Something like this:

awk -F'|' '{ 
   if( $3=="" || $5=="" || $7=="" || $8=="" ) 
         if ( $3=="" ) { print "Line ",NR, " Field 3: Mandatory field is null"; }
         if ( $5=="" ) { print "Line ",NR, " Field 5: Mandatory field is null"; }
         # ...
         do_something ; 
}' yourfile.txt
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Like so?

awk -F \| '{for(i=3; i<=8; i++) if(i!=4) if($i=="") printf "%s\n","column " i " is null at line " NR}' file

You cannot use !$i or for example !$3 as a test, since then the condition will also become true if the field equals 0 rather than "" (null value).


Thanks. Changed That.

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How about making it a bit more flexible? Try

awk '
NR==1   {MX = split(CHK, T, ",")
        {for (i=1; i<=MX; i++)
           if ($(T) == "") print "column " T " is null at line " NR
' FS="|" CHK="3,5,6,7,8" file
column 3 is null at line 1
column 6 is null at line 3
column 7 is null at line 6
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I think you're missing a pair a braces:

awk -F'|' '{ 
   if( $3=="" || $5=="" || $7=="" || $8=="" ) {
         if ( $3=="" ) { print "Line ",NR, " Field 3: Mandatory field is null"; }
         if ( $5=="" ) { print "Line ",NR, " Field 5: Mandatory field is null"; }
         # ...
   } else  
         do_something ; 
}' yourfile.txt

Without them, your code will execute the else clause only if the last last field tested is an empty string and, if the 1st if test does not find any empty strings, the remaining if tests will never succeed either:

awk -F'|' '{ 
   if( $3=="" || $5=="" || $7=="" || $8=="" ) { 
         if ( $3=="" ) { print "Line ",NR, " Field 3: Mandatory field is null"; }
   if ( $5=="" ) { { print "Line ",NR, " Field 5: Mandatory field is null"; }
   # ...
   } else  
         do_something ; 
}' yourfile.txt

And, of course, if do_something; is more than one statement, you'll also needed braces around all statements in the else clause. The braces around your print statements don't hurt anything, but aren't strictly required since only one statement is being executed in those if then clauses.

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Thanks Don. Regarding awk, I'm only a newbie so far. Reading and then Try+Error. :slight_smile: