Check for file with a particular extension in a particular directory

I have a directory which I am passing in my script as a parameter. Parameter name has been set to $TCH_FILE_DIRECTORY.
I want to know if there's atleast 1 (or more) files in this directory with the extension '.tch'. How can I find this using ksh.

[ $(ls ${TCH_FILE_DIRECTORY}/*.tch | wc -l) -gt 0 ] && echo "Found at least one file" || echo "No files found"

I read at some places about globs. Can globs be used to find out files with any extension in ksh. If yes, how?

globs is nothing more that the ability for the shell to expand a matched pattern
This is a glob *.tch . The shell will match and expand any string of any length followed by a period, followed by the string tch

What is not working for you?
Why don't you post what you have tried so far?

What did you read about glob? Did you get the context? the above post also uses them.

Another way

ls  ${TCH_FILE_DIRECTORY}/*.tch >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo found || echo not found