Check for file existence using wildcards

I am using the following command to check for files on a Unix (Solaris 9) and on Linux:

if (-r *.[Ll][Aa][Ss]) then
   echo " las file found"
   echo " no las file found"

If no las file is present, the "no las file found" message is displayed. If a las file is present, however, I get the following:

*.[Ll][Aa][Ss]: Ambiguous

Does anyone know what it is that I am doing wrong?

Paul Hudgens

-r is a unary operator - meaning it takes one argument. Wildcards can return many file names.

I'm using the -q option, not all grep versions have it. Change as needed

ls |  grep -q  '\.[Ll][Aa][Ss]$'
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] ; then
     echo 'ok'
     echo ' not ok'

[ -r *.@([lL][aA][sS]) ] && echo found las || echo NOT found las

---------- Post updated at 12:53 PM ---------- Previous update was at 12:51 PM ----------

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The UNIX and Linux Forums

Why did you choose to use the @() extended wildcard? That's not what the OP was asking for. In keeping with his (preferred?) formatting and structure:

if ls *.[Ll][Aa][Ss] >/dev/null 2>&1; then
    echo las not found
    echo found las

Azhrei's use of the /dev/null method reminded me that I had used this code previously. I was able to find it in some old code and got the following to work in both Unix and Linux. Thanks everyone for the help.

set LASInputFile = ""
( ls -d *.[Ll][Aa][Ss] > /dev/null ) >& /dev/null
if ( "$status" ) then
   echo ""
   echo "  A LAS file was not found in the main level directory.  Exiting program."
   echo ""
   set LASInputFile = `ls *.[Ll][Aa][Ss] | head -1`

Paul Hudgens

Thanks for replying and including the solution you ended up using. :slight_smile:

Btw, that looks like C shell code due to the redirection syntax. You really don't want to use the C shell for any kind of production work; it's too buggy and idiosyncratic. Google for "101 reasons not to use the C shell". :wink:

A problem with both my code and yours is the assumption that the current directory is readable and thus ls(1) won't fail due to anything other than a wildcard not being replaced by the shell. In the real world this is a reasonable assumption, but truly defensive shell scripting would check for that with and additional if statement of [ -r . ]

Because both of our routines use ls(1) they pay a performance penalty for the fork() and exec() required to run ls(1). If all built-in commands could be used it would be much faster.

For example, using for i in *.[Ll][Aa][Ss]; do break; done would result in the wildcard being expanded but the loop breaking the very first time through. The value of i will either be a real filename (as the wildcard was expanded) or the string *.[Ll][Aa][Ss] and a simple [ -e "$i" ] will determine that. This solution requires no fork/exec and will be much faster.

But I'm betting that the performance is not a big issue anyway. :slight_smile:

Just a matter of taste that does not require any external utility which is somewhat useless.

How's that?
Actually this is exactly what the OP trying to accomplish initially.

Yep, you're right. :b: I had a senior moment. (I thought there were vertical bars between each set of brackets.)

Thanks for the reply. This is not the first time that someone has suggested that I not use C Shell coding for my scripts. The problem is that all of my users log in to, and launch their programs from, the C Shell. I really have no choice but to write my scripts for that shell.

For the present, I'm not going to worry about whether a directory is readable or not. I'm assuming that none of my users are sufficiently UNIX savvy to know how to create a directory that is not readable.

Thanks again for all the help and input.

Paul H.

Unless you have an unusual environment, you can put "#!/bin/bash" (or some other full pathname to a shell) and then use that shell to write your scripts. It doesn't matter which shell the users log into, as the "#!" ensures that the exec() of the script succeeds, replacing the C shell with your chosen shell.

Heh, I understand. :slight_smile: