Check files copied from remote server

There is a process which copy files form unix a to unix b
I would like to check whether all files copied from a to b or not ,and list which are the missing files.
Is there a command to check like that

You can do it several ways

ftp -n <<EOF > check.dat
open remotenode
USER username
PASS passwd
cd /remotedir

if you have ssh keys installed

ssh remotenode 'ls -l /path/to/remotefiles'

Actually i need to check this is shell script , not manually

1> Assume both files reside on remote m/c

# ssh user@ diff -rq dir1 dir2

2> You can use rsync too
rsync -avn src-dir/ tar-dir/

3>Lsit colliding filenames
diff -sq dir1 dir2 | grep -v "Only in"
