check cpu usage

Are there previous threads on perl scripts that check the cpu usage and send email whenever this exceeded a certain threshold?


If there are no threads related to this,
Does anyone know a way for this? :slight_smile:


This might be useful. It would give you procedure to send a mail thru perl.Extracting cpu usage shouldn't be a big deal.

sub _send_email($$$) {
	my $recipient = shift;
	my $full_name = shift;
	my $result_file = shift;
	my $res_file = basename($result_file);
	my $res_dir = dirname($result_file);
	chomp(my $hostname = qx/uname -n/);

	my $msg = MIME::Lite->new(
		From => '"Manager Usage" <MGR@"Server name">',
		To => "\"$full_name\" <$recipient>",
		Subject => "Results of usage for $input_dir on $hostname",
		Type => 'multipart/mixed',
		Data => "The results of your usage run are attached."

		Type => 'TEXT',
		Data => "Hello,\n$full_name\n\nPlease DO NOT reply to this email!\n\nIt was generated by a non-user account.  Attached is a file\ncontaining the results of your requested deck_check.upl run.\n\nThank You,\nThe HP Issuance Team"

		Type => 'TEXT',
		Path => "$result_file",
		Filename => "$res_file",
		Disposition => 'attachment'


thanks nua7 :slight_smile: