Changing values with increasing numbers!

Hi all,

i have a command named "vmchange" and i must use it for thousands of data which must be changed.

For example,

vmchange -m N0001
vmchange -m N0002
vmchange -m N0003
vmchange -m N0100

How can i do that in awk or bash script?
Any help would be greatly appreciated..

thanks already


for ((i=0;i<100;i++))
  eval $(printf "vmchange -m N%04d\n" $i)

Works with ksh93 too.

while [[ $cnt -lt 101 ]]
  vmchange -m  $(printf "N%04d" $cnt )
  cnt=$(( cnt + 1 ))

If that command accepts multiple arguments it would be more efficient when run like this:

vmchange -m N0001 N0002 ... N000n

So, if your shell supports brace expansion (ksh93, zsh, bash >=3.0)
and process substitution:

xargs vmchange -m < <(printf "N%04d\n" {1..100})

If the command does not accept multiple arguments:

printf "vmchange -m N%04d\n" {1..100}|sh

Or just use a more powerful tool:

perl -le'system sprintf "vmchange -m N%04d\n",$_ for 1..100'

this is using awk

echo " " |awk '{for(i=0;i<=100;i++){printf("vmchange -m N%04s",i);}}'

You guys are great!

Thank everyone very much.