Changing the subnet mask on solaris 10

can anyone help me with the command to change the subnet mask on solaris 10? The mask is currently I will like to change it to 255.255.2555.0.

Thank you

ifconfig interface netmask

Also edit /etc/netmasks and /etc/hostname.interface.

Thank you very much for the info.

Why? I did not think that particular file contained netmask information.

It might. If it does, then netmask in /etc/hostname.interface will override settings in /etc/netmasks.

Newer version of Solaris uses ipadm command to administer such cases. The advantage of using this command is that you do not have to go on changing things in a bunch of files. It's like a persistent ifconfig command.

Here's an example:

ipadm create-addr �T static �a net0/v4stat

And see if the changes have been made perfectly:

ipadm show-if net0