changing sys clock (PST to UTC)

I'm trying to change my sys clock from PST to UTC.

I've read the man date page
it helpfully says :-
-u, --utc, --universal
print or set Coordinated Universal Time

as root I have tried date --universal, date -u, date --utc,

I have checked the /etc/sysinfo/clock file the variable HWCLOCK="-u" is set and I've deleted the local time variable settings.

Any ideas why it's not working? What have I forgotten?

to reboot the system?

Is this Linux? If so, what distro? Do you really have /etc/sysinfo? Do you have setclock?

hi sorry for delay in replying

SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9 (i586) - Kernel 2.6.5-7.191-default

I have /etc/sysconfig and clock but not setclock

The person who set up this sys originally didn't change time to UTC :mad:

Prior to reboot I added TZ to .profile, this did change the time to UTC for a non root user account but sys time(from root) is UTC

Thanks for reading this!

ok solved it
changed /etc/sysinfo/clock setting to
and rebooted shutdown -r now

use "dateconfig"