Changing IPs on E450

I'm working with an E450 server and it has one network card configured with 2 local and internet IP addresses.

Presently, the local IP is set as the primary address while teh Internet IP is set as the secondary address. I wish to change this and make the local IP secondary and the Internet primary, but I don't know how to...(i didn't configure it).. Pls help!!!

Also, how can I add a route to a Unix E 450 box.:confused:

I'm not entirely sure I understand the task you're trying to accomplish, but I know the commands you need to do them.

To change IP addresses or other information for various network interfaces use the ifconfig command. To add a route you use route add to do it on the fly, or you can create a startup script in /etc/rc2.d which runs the route add command every time the box boots.

See man route and man ifconfig for details.

To change ip address on your sun solaris machine,
you can use ifconfig command but once machine is rebooted the setting will be lost.

the order way of configuring ip address is to change the following:

change your hostname in /etc/hosts so you swap your secondary ip to your primary.

change your nodename in /etc/nodename to your new
primary hostname

in /etc you will have two file called hostname.hme0 and hostname.hme0:1 or hostname.eri0
and hostname.eri0:1 Depending on your network interfaces for example if your interface is hme0 you will have /etc/hostname.hme0.

Change your /etc/hostname.hme0 to your primary hostname.
change your /etc/hostname.hme0:1 to your secondary