Changing file content in perl

Hi All,

I have a file content like this.


#<include file="">

#<include file="">
#<include file="">
#<include file="">
#<include file="">
#<include file="">
#<include file="">
#<include file="">
#<include file="">
#<include file="">
#<include file="">
#<include file="">


#<testcase_begin testcase_id="SAS_U23_FAC10_Regression">
 testcase_title="SAS_U23 FAC10 Regression">

Where i can search only by using the pattern "SAS_U23_FAC10_Regression"
There are lots of content in this file.

What i want is to change the line

#<include file="">


#<include file="">

and i want to count of how many i have changed, I also want the count like if it is already changed or not,

I have tried the below code to find the pattern match, and i could not proceed further, can u all pls guide?


open(fp, "<file_name");

    $line = $_;
    my $N = 1;  # Number of lines before matching line.
    my $PATTERN = "SAS_U23_FAC10_Regression"; # What you want to match.
    my @buffer;
    while (my $line = <fp>) {
        if (@buffer < $N) {
            push @buffer, $line;
        if ($line =~ /$PATTERN/) {
            print $buffer[0];
        shift @buffer;
        push @buffer, $line;

Could this help you ?

perl -nle 'BEGIN{$count=0;$cnt=0} if(/#\<include file=""\>/) { ++$count}
if(/#<include file="">/) {s/#<include file="">/#<include file="">/;
++$cnt; }
print $_;
END { printf "count changed now - $cnt\nCount Already Changed - $count\n";}' filename

Thanks for the help,

but i have a file content like this,



#<include file="">

#<include file="">
#<include file="">
#<include file="">
#<include file="">
#<include file="">
#<include file="">


#<testcase_begin testcase_id="U75_U23_User_Security_Test">
 testcase_title="U75_U23 User Security Test">

#<testcase_requirements requirement_id="REGRESSION_REQ_ID">
#<testcase_script script="run_regression_usersec  -findboard ${BOARD_TYPE} -next -stop -var SYSTEM ${CATEGORY_SYSTEM} -schedule +${SCHEDULER}h ">

test the FEATUREGROUP feature for FEATURE for CARDTYPE







#<include file="">

#<include file="">
#<include file="">
#<include file="">
#<include file="">
#<include file="">
#<include file="">


#<testcase_begin testcase_id="SAS_U23_HK_MR537_Regression_Test">
 testcase_title="SAS_U23 HK MR537 Regression">

#<testcase_requirements requirement_id="REGRESSION_REQ_ID">
#<testcase_script script="run_regression_hk_r71  -findboard ${BOARD_TYPE} -next  -stop -var SYSTEM ${CATEGORY_SYSTEM} -schedule +${SCHEDULER}h ">

test the FEATUREGROUP feature for FEATURE for FACTYPE





wheer i should search for the testcase based on the various "testcase_begin testcase_id" present, and then move up to search the keyword PRIORITY:10 or any number and then change it as PRIORITY:3

And then find the count.