change wallpaper in CDE

I'm running Solaris 9, using the CDE gui on a SunBlade 100. I want to substitute the generic wallpapers that CDE has, with my own, i.e. my kids, dog, etc.

Suggestions? Directions??

Thanks in advance.

If you have a picture in jpeg format or otherwise convert it to XPM format with fewer than 80 colors. Drop it into /usr/dt/backdrops/ with an extension of .pm.

Conversion to XPM format can be done by any standard formatting software.


Thanks for the info, though I am only partly successful.

I've reduced the size of the pic (saved it as .pm) from 306 x 402 pixels to 32 x 32 (the size of the other backdrops) and made the pic greyscale or reduced color. Either way, the backdrop doesn't show. Before I reduced the size I was only seeing 1/3 of the pic and it was overlapping itself.

A workaround for me is to run xv, set the image as a tiled, and then I'm ok.

Ideally, I would like to set the backdrop using the CDE backdrop function.

Thanks again...:smiley:

as a user, I don't have access rights to write in that directory, so is there any other place I can put my wallpapers.. :rolleyes:
( I connect to my Solaris machine thru Hummingbird Exceed. ( Graphical Login )

You can put the pic in your default directory. Type 'pwd' (without the quotes) at your prompt. The path shown should be your default directory.

Dear, i used the same configuration and i though better install the java enterpriser system(free download in sun site) My desktop change completely your appearance... you�ve much more options of acebility, at all...

I am sorry!!
I did not get you... :frowning:

I go to 'Style Manager' -> 'Backdrop'

But how to choose my directory that contains my cat's pic ??? :confused:

The way to do what you want is as follows:

Open the Style Manager.
Click on Backdrops.
Select NoBackdrop from the list.
Click OK. The backdrop tile will disappear.
Repeat these steps for every workspace on your desktop. (the checkbox does not work correctly)
Use xsetroot or xv to establish your X window root background.
To automate the process, put something like this into your sessionetc script in ~/.dt directories:
xv -root -quit my-background-picture.gif &

hi All

I successfully changed my backround , as per the instructions . But since the resolution of the pic is low , i am getting the background in tile format. Can i stretch the same wallpaper (similar to the option that we have in WINDOWs).



It Worked!!! :smiley: :smiley: :slight_smile: :cool:
Thank you soooooooooomuch

I tried the above steps but failed.

  1. I do NOT have xv on my machine
    2.What is the alternative command of setting up the background using xsetroot. I have tried:
    /usr/openwin/bin/xsetroot -bitmap b.bmp
    but it reports bad bitmap format file.
    3.Has this procedure to be done as root user?

Any help is appreciated

P.S : OS is Solaris8 and trying to connect through Kea!X

Try with a JPG file and tell us..

No Luck :frowning:

The bitmap type for xsetroot is 'xbm' (Xbitmap) not windows .bmp

Do I need to convert the bmp to xbm format or would just renaming do the trick?


It would have to be converted, but there may be a problem there. If I recall correctly xbm is a two color format.

Hi All

xv -root -quit my-background-picture.gif & definately worked . The pic that i used was of low resolution . So I tried repeating the same for a higher resolution pic . But now when i try the same command and set the backdrop to "NO Backdrop" , I still get the previous image .'

I deleted the previous image n tried again. But now i get a blurred version of previous image.

Plz suggest

Best Regards


hmmmm ...................

I restarted the Workspace n the image was set to the new one .

But I am getting a blurred n tiled image . the whole image does not cover the entire working space

How do I rectify this ???



i don't have the permissions to do this

hi, this is how I did it and it works and it sticks:

Take your picture, resize to yoru monitor resolution (eg. I have 1280x1024) with your favourite program like Paint Shop Pro or whatever. Save as .jpg or whatever.

Then in Unix go to to your "Desktop Apps" and open "Image Viewer".

Open the image and save is as XPM.

This should create a .pm image.

then go to your-user/.dt/backdrops (note to click the "view hidden objects" in your File Manager to see the .dt directory). If /backdrops does not exist, create it.

pop your .pm image in here, and you are nearly done.

Now go to your "Style Manager", "Backdrops" and there in the list should be your image. click it and apply or OK.

At this point you should have your image as a backdrop, if you dont, sorry :frowning: I dont think I can help as these steps have worked for me without Admin privileges or anything.

And, before I forget, to make it stick - save the session!

If ppl want images for this purpose, I have included a couple of car ones in the attachment file below (1280x1024), or you can send me a message or leave a note here for more I have prepared for myself (dont forget to state your screen resolution). If there is enough demand, maybe I can create a little repository somewhere with different themes...

cheers and good luck!

aka Tahiche
Design Engineer (Catia V5)
Ford Koeln, Germany