Change password script in Unix easily..

I have more than 50 server unix's password need to change, usually I assign one password for all hosts, for easy remember, but I need to change password every two's very tried to change password every 2 months, is there any unix script that can change password easily?
ie ' script current_password new_password ' will auto change the password to 'new_password'...

See: changepass automate password changes on multiple systems

Thank for the script.
But I think the script may not suitable on my system, please see the result:
I jant want to find a script that can change password only in my current ssh server .... ie I just put the old & new password in the script and run it, then the script will auto change for me, since passwd ask many 4 times to verify the new password.

$ ./p
Enter Old Password-
Enter New Password-
Trying 202.xx.xx.xx...
Connected to 202.xx.xx.xx.
Escape character is '^]'.

Compaq Tru64 UNIX V5.1B (Rev. 2650) (abcd.ghlp.wer.kl) (pts/1)

login: s0153597
Last successful login for s0153597: Mon Nov 14 23:24:13 HKT 2005 from
Last unsuccessful login for s0153597: NEVER

s0153597> ./p[41]: Y: not found
touch changepassdatafile.202.xx.xx.xx
Connection closed by foreign host.
Connected to 202.xx.xx.xx.
220 abcd.ghlp.wer.kl FTP server (Compaq Tru64 UNIX Version 5.60) ready.
331 Password required for s0153597.
230 User s0153597 logged in.
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for changepassdatafile.202.xx.xx.xx (202.xx.xx.xx,2020) (0 bytes).
226 Transfer complete.
221 Goodbye.
202.xx.xx.xx was ok
Trying 202.xx.xx.xx...
Connected to 202.xx.xx.xx.
Escape character is '^]'.

Compaq Tru64 UNIX V5.1B (Rev. 2650) (abcd.ghlp.wer.kl) (pts/1)

login: s0153597
Last successful login for s0153597: Mon Nov 14 23:39:21 HKT 2005 from abcd.ghlp.wer.kl
Last unsuccessful login for s0153597: NEVER

s0153597> passwd
Old password:
Last successful password change for s0153597: Tue Oct 4 18:24:53 HKT 2005
Last unsuccessful password change for s0153597: Mon Nov 14 23:31:38 HKT 2005

Do you want (choose one option only):

1 Pronounceable passwords generated for you
2 A string of characters generated for you
3 A string of letters generated for you
4 To pick your password

Select ONE item by number: 12345678

** Invalid choice: 12345678

Do you want (choose one option only):

1 Pronounceable passwords generated for you
2 A string of characters generated for you
3 A string of letters generated for you
4 To pick your password

Select ONE item by number: 12345678

** Invalid choice: 12345678

Do you want (choose one option only):

1 Pronounceable passwords generated for you
2 A string of characters generated for you
3 A string of letters generated for you
4 To pick your password

Select ONE item by number: exit

** Invalid choice: exit

Do you want (choose one option only):

1 Pronounceable passwords generated for you
2 A string of characters generated for you
3 A string of letters generated for you
4 To pick your password

Select ONE item by number: $

Why not just make it so that the script runs 8 different times each time selecting 1 then 2 then 3 etc. Not sure if thats what your looking to do or even if that has anything to do with the problem just trying to throw out suggestions to see if im right just so i can familiarize myself with different things sorta. Sorry if it doesnt work. :confused:

As I said in my post I tested my script on HP-UX and Solaris only. And I was using the standard vendor supplied passwd program. It is not going to work with any program called "passwd" regardless of what user interaction is required. Since you have a different version of passwd, you will need to modify my script to work with your passwd program.