Change Password on First Login

Hi there,

Is there a way to ask the solaris user to change passwordo n the first login. I am looking at how to do this for every single new user.

I assume that you are the sysadmin (root) user???

If so, you can force any user to change their password on their next login.

See the man page for the passwd command and, in particular, the -f switch. If doesn't matter whether the account is new or not.

 # /etc/passwd -f <userid>

Plenty of other 'security' options for the passwd command. Man page can be viewed on this forum.

Hope that helps.

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On Solaris systems, the user database is frequently contained in /etc/passwd , but the command needed to change user's passwords and to change password expiration dates is probably /bin/passwd or /usr/bin/passwd ; not /etc/passwd .


In Solaris there is no difference between /bin and /usr/bin

ls -ld /bin
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root           9 Nov  7  2011 /bin -> ./usr/bin

So is HP-UX

ls -ld /bin
lr-xr-xr-x   1 bin        bin              8 Jul 20  2010 /bin -> /usr/bin

@Don.....thanks for spotting my stupid mistake. Glad somebody is awake!!

That depends on which Solaris release is being used. Other than the fact that this thread was posted in the Solaris forum, no operating system version has been provided.