Change IP


How can i change the ip address on my solaris sun 9 server ?

thank you

modify /etc/hosts , /etc/netmask and /etc/hostname.<lan interface>
you might want to modify the /etc/defaultrouter
if new ip is on different segment.

thank you !

There are other files which may need to be updated besides these. They are listed in the manpage for sys-unconfig.

Reborg - you may be thinking of a hostname change versus an IP change. The only other files the op should possibly worry about is if NIS, DNS, or some other name service is being used.

guys im using hostname command to change my host name but when i reboot its back to unknown, how can i make it permanent ? and if its via /etc/hostname whats the right syntax for /etc/hostname ?

Edit the three files: /etc/nodename, /etc/hostname.<interface_name> and the /etc/inet/hosts. In these, add the entry for your new hostname instead of the existing entry.

These files are used by the startup scripts that set your hostname, so the changes will not be lost upon reboot.

Yes, those you be the ones I was suggesting, hence my use of "may need" and not "will need".