Change file permission of mounted drive Linux

I got a problem with the permission of mounted 2TB drive in my Linux/Mint system. All the files in any folder are with 777, which is not what I want.
my fstab line for this disk is:

UUID=90803E0C803DF974 /media/grape/Workspace1_ntfs ntfs auto,users,permissions 0 0

and blkid gave me:

$> blkid

/dev/sda1: UUID="f1e68676-42bd-40ae-8888-4e705195834a" TYPE="ext4" 
/dev/sda5: UUID="cb3deb29-1470-4177-a473-423692d22e89" TYPE="swap" 
/dev/sdb1: LABEL="Workspace1_ntfs" UUID="90803E0C803DF974" TYPE="ntfs" 

How to change 777 to 755, and any other types of permission I can as root?

I'm not sure what the "permissions" option does. Where you have "auto,users,permissions" I'd put "auto,users,umask=022"

I copied from other post when I first could not run anything from that mounted disk. With permissions 0 0 everything was changed belongs to root with permission 777 , which is worse than the previous permission setting (forgot what it was!), and this annoying when I browse the folders. I want to get it back to original setting.
After I changed with your settings, it is the same. I can't even change the permissions under root.

sudo chmod a-wx *.c
sudo chmod -x *.pdf

did not give any error, though.

NTFS is the filesystem Microsoft Windows uses, and increasingly these days, now that drives have finally gotten too large for even FAT32 to handle, disks are coming preformatted with it.

In short, an NTFS volume does not have UNIX file permissions, it has something completely different which doesn't translate into UNIX terms. Particularly it does not have a number for owner, a number for group, or 3 groups of rwx file permission bits. You must tell the driver what user, group, and permissions to assume by default with umask=022,uid=number,gid=number in the options group

That doesn't leave a lot for chmod or chown to work with. I think it's possible to set the NTFS "read only" bit by removing r from user, group and world, maybe.

It seems currently I am using this disk as Linux executable.
I'll just leave it as mounted storage space, although it is annoying me.