Change color on another terminal

i already have a running and working script for remote connection. is there a way to change the terminal color everytime I ssh remotely to another server? this is to avoid confusion since I will be using only one server to remotely access around 50 servers (solaris, linux,. etc)

Well you can make a script in your .bashrc and modify the PS1 variable, detect on witch machine your on ant change the color of the text.

Change text color in console terminal? - Linux Forums
BASH Shell change the color of my shell prompt under Linux or UNIX

Hope this helps you.

Another idea would be to change your title bar every time you ssh to another server.

echo "^[]0;`whoami`@$(hostname)^G\c"

Note that there are escape sequences in there.

echo "<CTRL-v><escape>]0;your text<CTRL-v><CTRL-g"