Change a line in a php file thanks to a shell script

I'm working on a script to make automatic the new releases of my website...
However in this script I put all the css script in a single one. There's no rpoblem for that.
My problem is when I want to change the header of my layout page to put instead of :

$header.="<link rel=\"stylesheet\" media=\"screen,projection\" href=\"/css/misc.css\" type=\"text/css\" />";
$header.="<link rel=\"stylesheet\" media=\"screen,projection\" href=\"/css/elements.css\" type=\"text/css\" />";
$header.="<link rel=\"stylesheet\" media=\"screen,projection\" href=\"/css/pages.css\" type=\"text/css\" />";

I want that

$header.="<link rel=\"stylesheet\" media=\"screen,projection\" href=\"/css/style.css\" type=\"text/css\" />";

I'm not really good in unix scripting but I've tried stuff like grep etc. without succeeding I'm sure it's not that hard...
Thank you for your future help


Not sure, whether i understood your requirement right.

sed -n 's/misc/style/p' infile
assuming those 3 lines are present in a file, infile


Yes you got it right but I found it really hard to escape the correct things etc.
It doesn't wanna work do you know a unix function to escape a string?