Change a Char Multiple line records

Hi All i have a file that is to big for vi and is a multiple line record

|www.123|OK|200|0|582|0|287|10814|Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0;
Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506)|http://www.123w|3.497437|0.036066||||||||||||||||||||0|1

I have highlighted the field that i need to change basically 655016000575511 needs to be 655016000575512

As i mentioned the file is to big for vi

Will change the pattern in the whole file. Maybe backup the file before you go trying. And next time please use [ code ] tags to display code, data, logs, etc.

sed 's/655016000575511/655016000575512/g' infile > outfile
mv outfile infile

Aploogies i'm a bit new on the forums still, the only problem with that solution is that 65501 is the only constant to search for in that field
below are a few examples that i've pulled out from the file


655014100397402 would change to 655014100397403
655016000261245 would change to 655016000261246

So it is a rule that all these patterns increase by 1 and it is a decimal value?

Even if you are new, please use [ code ] tags to display code, data, logs, etc.
If you want I can edit your former post, edit code-tags and you open it in edit modus to see what I have inserted in your post.

Not neccesarily even if i could just add 1 to the whole number it will be great

If there is no rule you can use for automation, I suggest you just line up all substitutions like I stated above one after another for every pattern exchange.