Certification for linux

I have the query of how to become linux certified. Additionally, it will be very helpful if some information can be provided of how one can prepare for these certifications.

I hope, my question is clear.

Please help in solving the doubt.


I guess one of the most famous is the LPI. Best check your favourite search engine for LPI.

Linux Professional Institute - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Linux Professional Institute (LPI) exam prep : Overview

I just notice you posted this in the Red Hat part of the forum; there is of course certification from Red Hat too:

Should be easy to find stuff on those topics in the web.

O'Reilly has a book called "LPI Linux Certification In a Nutshell" too.

thanks for your answer. But, there is another one, CompTIA: Linux+ , which may be more simpler as there is a single exam.


If you wish to be certified, then realize you are being judged based on what you can accomplish. Yes, Comptia's Linux+ is simpler. It is also regarded as less demanding and as such you can say "I am certified" but it will hold significantly less sway.

I am saying this with 1 of 2 tests of LPIC 1 having been taken. It is not easy, it is not undoable.