cd rom to dvd rom drive swap

I need to replace a cd rom drive with a dvd rom drive in a SunFire v120 running Solaris 8. My objective is to install Solaris 10 from dvd disc. Downloading Solaris 10 cd discs is not an option since I am in Baghdad, Iraq and connection speeds are horrible. So far, all I can get is power to the drive...nothing more. Server will not mount the dvd drive/disc.

Any help would be greatly appreciated...

if you own another server (installed with solaris) you can use netboot/jumpstart to install solaris over the network. you can also use a x86 solaris installation (laptop or virtuell machine, ...) to do this!

Alright, well I was hoping to avoid an install over the network; but it looks like that might be the only option.

No suggestions on how to get the dvd drive to work?

what dvd drive? is it an external device? how is it connected? can you see the device from OBP level with "probe-ide" or "probe-scsi-all" command?

I removed the original cd drive from the Solaris 8 machine and put a dvd drive in its place...hoping to be able to boot the Solaris 10 dvd disc that I've got and install that OS. Unfortunately the server does not recognize the dvd drive. The dvd drive has power, but nothing more.

can you answer the whole question?

what have you done to boot the system with dvd?

"probe-scsi-all" and "probe-ide" commands render nothing.

Have tried...
un-mount/mount of drive
stopping/re-starting the vold daemon
touch /reconfigure

nothing has worked so far

you've tried to run the "probe" commands from solaris? these are OBP commands! go to OBP first with running:

# init 0

from solaris and then:

ok> setenv auto-boot? false
ok> reset-all
ok> probe-ide

Alright, calm down. Obviously I'm not a UNIX "god". I'm here because I need assistance...

probe-ide command:
devices 0-3 "not present"

probe-scsi-all command:
Target 0
Unit 0 disk seagate st373307lsun72g0507

who is upset? this is not unix but sun hardware knowledge!

your dvd drive can not be seen by the hardware as you can see with the "probe-ide" command! you should check cables and maybe a obp firmwareupdate (patch id 111991-07) can help... or maybe the dvd drive is broken... there are various possiblities...