Catching the termination of one script

I have a Shell script that needs to execute a command at the
End of the excursion of other script And I cant get a handel
On the trap command. And that is if the trap command
Is the proper way to go

this is a extract of the script

MYHOST=`hostname| cut -d. -f1`
echo $MYHOST

   cd /var/powerpassword/v3.4/ppsparc_solarisV-3.4.15-1/install
exec  ./ppinstall -b $MYMASTER  $MYHOST ;
# Trap the successfull completion of ppinstal
trap ppinstall 0
  echo "Caught Signal ... ."
  ppadmin trace > /var/tmp/`hostname`-trace-result.txt
  echo "Done  ... quitting."
  exit 1

The 'exec' command means 'replace the shell with the command I give here'. After you run 'exec ./ppinstall' your shell no longer exists and can't trap anything. :slight_smile: Remove the exec and you won't need trap at all, since the shell script will continue running after ppinstall completes.

Yes thank you

     IJust dicovered that also. Now I have a nwe issue whit the same script

A loop that has issue :frowning:

MYVER=`uname -a | awk '{print $3}'`
   echo  $MYVER
   if  ["$MYVER" = "5.10"]
      /usr/sbin/svcadm disable telnet
  /usr/sbin/ppadmin stop

Please put code in code tags. [ code ] stuff [ /code ] without the extra spaces in the tags.

MYVER=`uname -a | awk '{print $3}'`
   echo  $MYVER
   if  ["$MYVER" = "5.10"]
      /usr/sbin/svcadm disable telnet
  /usr/sbin/ppadmin stop

What are the { } brackets for? This doesn't look like a function. Did you want to do something like this?

MYVER=`uname -a | awk '{print $3}'`
   echo  $MYVER

if  ["$MYVER" = "5.10"]
      /usr/sbin/svcadm disable telnet
      /usr/sbin/ppadmin stop

Hi All

I have resolved all my issues whit this
Script. Thank you all for you inputs

I�m posting the finished script fell free to criticize
And if it can be improved please tell me

# Script to uninstall & install ppugrade
# Some variables
SUBJECT="Your rmote job is completed on `hostname`"
SPOOLFILE=/var/tmp/`hostname| cut -d. -f1`-trace-result.txt

## Move some files
    cd /etc/
    cp pam.conf pam.conf-preupgrade;
    echo Copying pam.conf pam.conf-preupgrade
    cp /etc/pam/ORIG /etc/pam.conf
    echo Copying /etc/pam/ORIG /etc/pam.conf
    mv /var/adm/ppserv.log  /var/ppserv.log-preupgrade #Getting a clean install log
## Check if we are Solaris 10

MYVER=`uname -a | awk '{print $3}'`
   if [ "$MYVER" = "5.10" ]
   echo Execution de svcadm:  `/usr/sbin/svcadm disable powerpasswordt`
             ppadmin stop
# Begin uninstall of PowerPassword
   cd /var/pp-old

   echo "\n\n Would you like to unistall powerpasswor on `hostname` (y/n)?"
    read YN
    case $YN in
    [yY]*) echo Y |  ./ppuninstall
    [nN]*) echo "Terminating gracefully TTFN .\n"
                exit 0
# Begin install of PowerPassword

MYHOST=`hostname| cut -d. -f1`
    echo $MYHOST
    cd /var/powerpassword/v3.4/ppsparc_solarisV-3.4.15-1/install
   ./ppinstall -b $MYMASTER  $MYHOST ;
#   Move back some files
    cp /var/pp.orig/passwd /var/pp/passwd
    cp /var/pp.orig/pwhistory /var/pp/pwhistory
    cp /var/pp.orig/passwd.key  /var/pp/passwd.key
    cp /etc/pam.conf-preupgrade  /etc/pam.conf
# Trap the successfull completion of ppinstal
trap ppinstall 0

  echo "Caught Signal ... ."
  ppadmin trace > /var/tmp/`hostname | cut -d. -f1`-trace-result.txt;
  echo "ppadmin trace is done check mail."
  echo "Sending the E-mail message..."
  /usr/bin/mailx -s "${SUBJECT}" ${TO} < $SPOOLFILE