Catalina Analysis

How can I make analysis for catalina.out

catalina.out is a terrible file to attempt to parse, as anything written to STDOUT and STDERR by any of your tomcat servlets (i.e. with System.out.print{,ln} and System.err.print{,ln}) will just be dumped there - a lot of the time you will just find this riddled with exceptions and thread dumps. So, bearing in mind that developers can write anything to System.out.println, your catalina.out will be very different to somebody elses catalina.out. It's far better to have your developers (or yourself if you're the developer) use log4j or similar to log things properly.

Anyhoo... What are your specific requirements? What are you looking for?

grep -n -i "Exception" catalina.out

may be a good place to start....


What are you trying to analyze?