Cat 114 files using grep or awk to pull muliple fields

Files xxxxxxx.txt

Req.By: xxxxxxx                           WABUSH MINES - 
xxxxxx MINE (1001)                             Page:                1
Run on: 12/14/09  at: 16:30:03                                                                              * Report:        MSB222A
                                                 PURCHASE ORDER PRINTING SUMMARY                              Version:    5.2.36.AA9
Report Parameters:  Request Userid: xxxxx
                    Requested on:   12/14/09  at: 01:30:59
                    Selection Criteria:
                       Default Medium:  P Printer
                       Indicator:       Live       Y   Confirmation        Y
                       Medium:          Printed    Y   Telex               Y   Fax             Y   EDI      Y
                       Order Type:      Normal     Y   Consignment Stock   Y   Transfer Stock  Y   Workshop Y   Field Releas N
   No. Orders Printed for the first time           25
   No. Modified Orders Printed (all items)          0
   No. Modified Items Printed (incl. Header)        4
   Print Global Orders Indicator
   No. Orders not Printed (min order value)         0

Files xxxxxxx.txt

Req.By: xxxxxxx                           Michigan MINES - 
xxxxxx MINE (1412)                             Page:                1
Run on: 12/14/09  at: 16:30:03                                                                              * Report:        MSB222A
                                                 PURCHASE ORDER PRINTING SUMMARY                              Version:    5.2.36.AA9
Report Parameters:  Request Userid: xxxxx
                    Requested on:   12/15/09  at: 01:30:59
                    Selection Criteria:
                       Default Medium:  P Printer
                       Indicator:       Live       Y   Confirmation        Y
                       Medium:          Printed    Y   Telex               Y   Fax             Y   EDI      Y
                       Order Type:      Normal     Y   Consignment Stock   Y   Transfer Stock  Y   Workshop Y   Field Releas N
   No. Orders Printed for the first time           15
   No. Modified Orders Printed (all items)          10
   No. Modified Items Printed (incl. Header)        4
   Print Global Orders Indicator
   No. Orders not Printed (min order value)         1

There are 114 files that I have moved into thier own dir. I know how to grep and cat for a single value but what I realy need to do is pull back the following information on one or more lines from each file into one single file. The actual values will differ from file to file.
I need the following from each

xxxxxx MINE (1412) where xxxxx and 1412 will differ from file to file
PRINT RUN NUMBER: 1785 where 1785 will differ from file to file
   No. Orders Printed for the first time           15
   No. Modified Orders Printed (all items)          10
   No. Modified Items Printed (incl. Header)        4
   Print Global Orders Indicator                     0
   No. Orders not Printed (min order value)         1

Where the above numbers will differ from file to file.

I know how to grep or find for single items

find . -exec grep -l WorkOrderExtract '{}' \; >> Work.txt or
grep -il TOTAL-PICKED * > /home/mspencer/TOTAL-PICKE.txt

I just figure there has to be a way to do this better

Sorry I forgot to post the outfile.

Outfile ( all on one line)
xxxxxx MINE (1412) RUN NUMBER: 1785 Orders Printed for the first time 15 Modified Orders Printed (all items) 10 Modified Items Printed (incl. Header) 4 Global Orders Indicator 0 Orders not Printed (min order value) 1

or muliple lines using xxxxxx MINE (1412) as the break

xxxxxx MINE (1412)


Orders Printed for the first time 15 Modified Orders Printed (all items) 10 Modified Items Printed (incl. Header) 4 Global Orders Indicator 0 Orders not Printed (min order value) 1

Have you tried something like the following?
find . -exec egrep "(value1|value2)" '{}' \; >> Work.txt

No the problem I have is the values will change from file to file so I do not know what to do or how to assign a search for value 1 and 2

Perhaps this would work?:

awk '/Page:/             { if (s!="") print s; s=$1" "$2" "$3}
     $1 ~ /PRINT/        { s=s" "$2" "$3" "$4 }
     $1 ~ /^No\.|^Print/ { if ( $NF !~ /[0-9]+/ ) $(NF+1)=0; $1=$1; s=s" "$0 }
     END                 { if (s!="") print s } ' infile*


xxxxxx MINE (1001) RUN NUMBER: 1376 No. Orders Printed for the first time 25 No. Modified Orders Printed (all items) 0 No. Modified Items Printed (incl. Header) 4 Print Global Orders Indicator 0 No. Orders not Printed (min order value) 0
xxxxxx MINE (1412) RUN NUMBER: 1785 No. Orders Printed for the first time 15 No. Modified Orders Printed (all items) 10 No. Modified Items Printed (incl. Header) 4 Print Global Orders Indicator 0 No. Orders not Printed (min order value) 1

Thanks I will try it and update the post later today or tomorrow