Case Contruct Problem user input

This is supposed to be a simple bank script. Whenever I try the case construct options it wont work for the deposit option after typing the amount it just goes straight back into the menu, same with withdrawal option. Option 3 which should just display the balance amount doesn't echo anything. The exit option and the * option work fine. I've been debugging this for a few hours now and can't seem to find what it is. Can anyone here help me by pointing me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance.

while true
if [ $error_flag -eq 0 ]
  tput clear
  echo "Welcome valued customer"
  echo "Please choose from the following options:"
  echo "1: Deposit "
  echo "2: Withdrawal "
  echo "3: Display balance "
  echo "4: Quit "
echo " Please enter your choice>......."
read choice
case $choice in
  1) printf "How much $ would you like to deposit?"
     read deposit
     ((balance = $deposit + $balance))
     printf "Your current balance is now $balance" ;;

  2) echo "How much $ would you like to withdraw?" ;
     read withdraw
     (( withdraw=$withdraw /- $balance ))
     echo "Your remaining balance is $balance dollars" ;;

  3) echo "Your current balance is $balance dollars" ;;
  4) echo "Thank you for banking with us"
     exit 0 ;;
  *) echo "Please only type the options given in the menu"
     error_flag=1 ;;
export balance
export deposit
export withdraw
exit 0

Try inserting either a sleep statement or a pause after your final statements within your case block. It's printing out the information, however you can not see it as it is completing the execution of the case block:


case "$choice" in
  1) printf "How much $ would you like to deposit?"
     read deposit
     ((balance = $deposit + $balance))
     printf "Your current balance is now $balance"
     sleep 5

Hope this helps.

weird how something so simple, can cause such headaches to a beginner.

thanks again