Career Advice


I not sure if this is the right place to ask this question and if I'm wrong I apologize.

I'm a systems administrator and have about 5 years of experience. I have worked on

Visualization ( VMWare )

And I'm comfortable with shell and Perl.

Of late, amidst the cloud talk and how the Unix/Linux system administrator jobs would be, I have been quite lost. I now plan to either move to programming or application.

1] Programming : I have no experience in programming and have to learn C ( thats where I have to start)

2] Other option is application ( J Boss, Apache, Tomcat, WebSphere)

I'm very confused :wall:, though programming is not my strong area and I have to learn it I'm fascinated when the shell/Perl code i wrote works. On the other hand application and Linux administration comparatively seem easy.

Experts, I request you to guide me as to what is best as per the future.

Thanks in advance