Capturing errors messages into log file

Can we capture and write all the error messages which were being displayed on the command prompt screen during execution of a program into a log file?

If yes, can anyone please let me know on how to do it?

I am using ksh and working on AIX server.

Thank you in advance.

Have a read of this:

KSH - Redirection and Pipes


Google Search Results for redirection | The UNIX and Linux Forums

Thank you Franklin.

I understood that by writing the script as below, we can capture stdout and stderr to a file.

 ./program.ksh >> /home/log.txt 2>> /home/log.txt 

Instead how to get the same functionality by writting something similar inside the program so that if we just run the script it should capture stderr and stdout to a file.

so now i will execute the script as


and it should do the same functionality by writting the stderr and stdout to the fiile log.txt.

try this. funny what you find with a internet search.

This works for ksh but not for all other Shells. We run everything in a subshell defined by a pair of brackets.


#my commands go here

) 1>>/home/log.txt 2>>/home/log.txt