Can't sudo Using Group Permission


I'm having a problem with sudo on Solaris 5.10 that is giving me fits (and BTW, I'm a Linux admin by trade...).

The issue is that I have a number of users (myself included) that cannot sudo to root to complete user admin tasks. Assuming the user is jdoe, and the group with the elevated permissions is called useradmins, here is what the configurations look like (sorry - had to change the details due to confidentiality stuff...):

/etc/passwd entry:

/etc/group entries:

Relevant section of /usr/local/etc/sudoers
# All unix users in the sysadmin group get to run what eveah
%useradmins ALL=(ALL) ALL

And some command line fun and games:
[root@solbox ~]# id jdoe
uid=26199(jdoe) gid=26199(jdoe)
[root@solbox ~]# groups jdoe
jdoe useradmins

Some things of interest...

> Yes, there are two useradmins groups, both with the same gid. I found some postings from the Google that reference a line-length limit, and that some people have overcome this by creating a second entry for the group. We're at roughly 260 chars on the first line of the file, so I'm not sure why there are two entries.
> I suspect the issue surrounds the id and groups commands. groups shows me as a member of my own personal group, as well as a member of the useradmins group. id, on the other hand shows no useradmins membership.
> When I tried a truss -f id jdoe, I don't see anything in the output that leads me to see anything returning an error code. There are numerous door_info and door_call calls which are a complete enigma to me, but each returns a 0 (presumably, success?)

Any help is appreciated.

id on Solaris is different than you're used to. Try "id -a". Also do "which id". There are diferent versions around. You should be able to find out about id with "man id".

With 'id -a', it is clear that in all cases, my account appears to be a member of the useradmins group. Still doesn't explain why I can't sudo, but definitely focuses my investigation. Thanks!

Are there any errors in the sudoers - file ? Try to edit/save the file with visudo.

Try to remove one of the "useradmins::15..." lines in /etc/group and check if anything changes.

Go back one step and create a new dummy group with only one or two users and
create a sudoers rule for this dummy group only. Does the problem persist ?