Can't start zones

Still here. Afeter some reboots, all my zones stopped working.

The service zones:default gets killed, and in the log I can read:

error while acquiring slave handle of zone console for zonename: no such device or address

don't know what it means

What does

df -h


Does the file /etc/zones/index exist?

what does this show?

zoneadm list

I would expect it to find no zones at all. And report no error.

I had already checked that. Disk utilization is at about 1%, the file exists and the zones are shown... (not without extra parameters, since, as far as i remember, zoneadm show shows only running zones)

zoneadm does show all cofigured zones, zoneadm -i shows all zones.
Instead of me guessing, pick a downed zone. Tell me what if anything you have found.
If nothing seems out of whack, make a small change and commit it. If you get no errors then the xml file in /etc/zones for that zone is okay.

That leaves the index file, which you should restore from a backup if there is any doubt.

Note: that error usually results from file corruption, missing files, or possibly permissions: vis-a-vis the /etc/zones/ xml zonecfg files or the /etc/zones/index file. You can run with that if it helps. My experiences only. HTH

Thank you for the help. I can't check anymore, since I've deleted the BE.

You may be right, it might be corruption: I had a power outage and I haven't an ups