can't solve that problem [PLEASE HELP]

well, my internet brakes down every day because of my server, i don't have troubles with RAM or anything i think... that problem started since i am running an unrealircd server...

well, my internet brakes down and when i try to access the inside ip from the server on http port 80, it says that:

So, how can i increase the number of max files or what do i must do? please help me


what are you running ? linux, solaris, hp ux ????

well i think linux, and changing the max files value, you have to go to the /proc filesystem and do an echo <new value> to the correct file.
the correct file should be /proc/sys/fs/file-max or something similar.

to make your changes permanently, please edit your sysctl.conf or any other start script.

for the next time, please send more details, i don't like to guess it :slight_smile:


I am running FreeBSD 4.9 Stable

I typed this and get this value:

box# sysctl kern.openfiles kern.maxfiles
kern.openfiles: 201
kern.maxfiles: 1064

I don't know where's the problem :rolleyes: