Can't set parameter to lynx properly

My intention is to go through list of addresses and call google geocode api for each of them. I am using lynx for this, but somehow I can't supply the parameters to it in a proper way.

To show that my parameters are OK I just hardcoded one address in my script and put it in my input file, and the hardcoded call runs just fine:

rqst2=' CA, USA&sensor=false'
while read addr; do
set -x
        lynx -dump "'""$rqst1""$addr""$rqst2""'"
        lynx -dump ' RAILROAD ST&sensor=false'
done < $INPF

 $ cat addr_list

I set -x to show how my parameters look and I don't see any fault on my side, yet lynx is not happy, here is the results:

 + lynx -dump ' RAILROAD ST CA, USA&sensor=false'
 Alert!: Unsupported URL scheme!
 lynx: Start file could not be found or is not text/html or text/plain
+ lynx -dump RAILROAD ST&sensor=false
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 ... etc...

Please point me into right direction here.

Remove the single quotes.

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Thank you, worked.