Can't mount samba on AIX with ntlmv2

Hi guys,

I'm trying to mount a share from Win2003 on AIX with ntlmv2. It doesn't seem to work as Windows keep complaining about a wrong username/password.

I've added "client ntlmv2 auth = yes" to smb.conf.

I have tested the account/username/hostname/ip address with smbclient and it seems to work (able to see the directory structures via a dir)

Using the following command to mount the share.

mount -v cifs -n <ip address>/<account>/<password> -o uid=xxx,fmode=755,wrkgrp=<server name>,sec=ntlmv2 \
/OUTPUT /data/test/output

The lmcompatibilitylevel registry key is set to 5 on Windows.

Thanks. :slight_smile:

Do you have a user mapping file on the windows server side?


By user mapping, are you referring to the account used to authenticate against Windows? If so, yes the account is there.

I've tested with lmcompatibilitylevel set to 3 and it works, so I think the account portion is ok.

Have you tried with: -o bg,hard,intr,grpid,vers=4,proto=tcp,nosuid,sec=sys


Sorry for the late reply. Yes, just tried, it seems to be the same. Windows says that it's a bad username/password.