cant mount cd rom in damm small linux

hey guys im rather new to linux, im runnin damm small linux on an old HP.

my problem is I cant mount the cd rom drive. when I try and mount I get the mount point is being used by another directory, i tried editing the fstab file. but that didnt work. any help would be greatly appreciated.

A few things....

What command are you using to mount the CD-ROM?

Try "mount" without options, is the CD-ROM mounted, if so, unmount it....

Run lsof or fuser against the mountpoint - is anything using it?

If it still complains, umount -f /dev/whatever - see if that forces it to unmount.

And Damn Small Linux, are you running that from a CD? If so, have you removed the CD without unmounting? It shouldn't let you open the drive, but anyway....

What line is currently in /etc/fstab for the CD drive - and what was there before you made the edit?

A few things to try.... please let us know....


hey, I tried just using the mount command, and I got a list of all the possible commands for mount, but it didnt list that the cd rom was mounted. then I tried editing my fstab file. this is what my fstab file looked like before I changed it.

/dev/cdrom /cdrom iso9660 defaults,ro,user,noexec,noauto 0 0
/dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom auto users,noauto,exec,ro 0 0

i tried changing the mount point to / cdrom instead of /mnt/cdrom

it kept giving me errors like cannot find /mtn/cdrom in fstab or mtab.

I know my cd rom works, cause I did a HD install from an install CD and it worked fine. Ive never been able to use my cdrom all the other drives work and mount nust fine. I was even able to mount my USB drive, all except the cdrom
so yeah Im running DSL off of my hard drive.

what do you think?

thanks alot you guys have been very helpful


Try this at the command prompt:

mkdir /cdrom

if it says it already exists, don't worry... put a CD in the drive, then....

mount -t iso9660 -o ro /dev/cdrom /cdrom

See if that works.


o.k. I just tried that but it said that the mount point does not exist. not sure why? any more suggestions?

Take heed of the error message...

If you're trying to use /cdrom as the mountpoint, does the mountpoint exist, i.e. ls -ld /cdrom - is it there? If not; mkdir /cdrom


tried that but it still didnt work. the mountpoint does exist, but it keeps saying it cant find it in fstab.?????

Make sure the line in /etc/fstab is:
/dev/cdrom /cdrom iso9660 defaults,ro,user,noexec,noauto 0 0

Try the mount command I gave, but try as root.


yeah thats exactly what the line looks like in fstab. i tried your mount command and it still didnt work? not sure what else to do? could it be maybe my cdrom is not compatible with this kernel? dont know what else it could be?

Can you post the output of "ls -ld /cdrom" please?

o.k. the output for ls -ld /cdrom is.....

drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 apr 14 2001 /cdrom

everything looks as it should but I still can not mount the cdrom.

Odd. How about "ls -l /dev/cdrom* /dev/hd*"?

it just gave me a list of commands. could it be possibly because its booting into DMA mode?