Can't make 'set DISPLAY' to work


I used exceed and putty in the past to HP server with no problem to make
'set DISPLAY' work on my desktop. However now I have Solaris 9 on Sun server 480 and I only have putty. I can't bring the X window (eg xclock, etc) to my desktop.

I tried X11Fowarding, xhost, and so on, it doesn't work. If I use 'xauth' to
add an entry into .Xauthority, how do I get hexkey? Will that work though?

Your hlep is appreciated!


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Forgive my morbid curiosity but why are you using Xwindows?

I use VNCserver and VNCviewer both of which can be downloaded from the web.

I install vnc severver on my Solaris machine and install vncviewer on my laptop.

Thanks Grippo!

I'll try the VNC. I used that in the past.

But with PUTTY, I should be able to bring a XTERM window to my desktop. Anyone has such experience??

I have never been able to use putty for graphical display. You said earlier that you used Hummingbird Exceed when you worked on the HPUX servers, are you sure that you didn't use this for your remote display?

Seconded. If you have a putty ssh-session open, why bother pushing a dtterm/xterm/whatever term anyway? Putty does exactly the same - and a lot more - than any standard term?

Anyway, Putty isn't an X server: you need a combination of an x11-forwarding capable ssh client (like putty) combined with a win32 X server (like as Grippo mentionned Exceed) to be able to get "graphical" stuff from your unix box displayed locally. Thus to conclude, without an X server, it's impossible to get xterm to run on your desktop.

Cygwin also contains an X server (xfree86 iirc) btw, so that might be an option for you? (although in that case the thing about why push a remote console if you have a local xterm/terminal anyway)