Can't get my program to run -- GC calculator?

have been trying for a few weeks not to get this program running. I am newer to programming and it has definitely been a challenge. I think my problem arises with my if statement. I can get it to append the name to the new file, but it simply appends the whole sequence to the file rather than counting it. I am working with a fasta file that contains multiple sequences, the name starting with '>' and the sequence on one line below it. Here is my code. Please help, and thank you so much in advance!!

#! /bin/bash

#exit program with error if user does not specify input on command line

if [ $# != 1 ]; then
        echo "Please specify fasta input on command line and rerun"
        else echo "Begining count"

#collect input from user each time they run the program
input=`cat $1`

#seperate the sequence from the sequence name
name=`grep '>' $1`
sequence=`grep -v '>' $1`

#if name, if sequence
set -f
for i in $(cat "$1"); 
	if [ $i=">" ]; then
		echo "$i" >> GCcontent.txt
		#count number of occurence of motif ATGC in fasta sequence
		countG=`echo $i | grep -o "G" | wc -l`
		countC=`echo $i | grep -o "C" | wc -l`
		total=`echo $i | wc -m`
		count=`echo "scale=2" ; ($countG+$countC) | bc`

		#calculate percent over total divided by 3bp
		percent=`echo "scale=2 ; ($count/$total*100)" | bc`
		#print output name and percent to file
		echo "$percent" >> GCcontent.txt

echo "Exiting"



The input file has multiple sequence within it, all with respective titles. they look something like this:


The output i would like to contain the name and the percent of Gs an Cs (totaled together)

>Name of the file 
  percent of GCs

My idea for the program was to have the user input the file, then the loop either append the line that contains the title to the file GCcontent.txt or to run through the counter i have set up and append it to the file GCcontent.txt

The test or [ command needs a space around the = sign.

Not sure I entirely understand what you're after. An input sample, the desired output and a description of the logics connecting the two would definitely help.

I updated it for you

For ME?

You did not correct the erroneous [ statement. And, outputtting the lines starting with > doesn't seem to match your output sample >Name of the file

---------- Post updated at 12:23 ---------- Previous update was at 11:32 ----------

Would this do what you want?

awk '/^>/ {print; next} {printf "GC percent: %.2f\n", gsub (/[GC]/, "&")/length*100}' file
GC percent: 48.09