cant get a counter to work in bash scipt, this is calling expect script

I have looked high and low, tryed lots of diffrent things but cant get a simple counter to work right.
what i need is to increase a count ever time it finishes the test, pass or fail. example TEST PASS 1, NEXT TEST PASS 2,

I curently have

set foo o
while {$foo <=5} {
incr foo
puts "$foo-"
} puts '\n\r'

I get test pass 1 2 3 4 5 6
any ides? thnaks in advance

Im runnng a test in bash script. exicutung expect


so at the end of the test it puts pass or fail with a time stamp
this is the shell script

[timestamp -format "%X, %b %d %Y"]\r" 

this is my expect script

puts [timestamp -format " Stop Test : %c"]
if { ($NumberOfLoop == $Result1) && ($NumberOfLoop == $Result2) } { 
puts " ******* Test PASSED ********** \r"
} else { 
puts " ******* Test FAILED *********** "
puts " Test 1 PASSED: $Result1 --- FAILED [expr $NumberOfLoop - $Result1]"
puts " Test 1 PASSED: $Result2 --- FAILED [expr $NumberOfLoop - $Result2]"

You sure there's not an O in your variable, as opposed to a 0?