Can't find the mistake in sed expression

Hi there,
Can anyone help me find the correct expression for sed.
I want to repace iface eth0 inet wathever
with iface eth0 inet static

Thanks for your help


sed 's/\(iface eth0 inet\).*/\1 static/'


sed '/^iface eth0 inet / s/^\(iface eth0 inet\).*/\1 static/' /etc/network/interfaces

A back reference is always only valid within the substitution and can't be kept across commands.

sed '/iface eth0 inet/s/\(.*\) .*$/\1 static/' file
$ echo 'iface eth0 inet wathever foo' | sed '/^iface eth0 inet / s/^\(iface eth0 inet\).*/\1 static/'
iface eth0 inet static
$ echo 'iface eth0 inet wathever foo' | sed '/^iface eth0 inet / s/^\(iface eth0 inet\) *\([^ ][^ ]*\) *\(.*\)/\1 static \3/'
iface eth0 inet static foo

Thanks Franklin52, pludi, danmero and vgersh99.
pludi is right when he says: