Can't chgrp, chown on Linux

I have a problem on Linux wherein it doesn't allow me to use the chown and chgrp even if I am the owner of the file. Is this one of the Linux limitations?

BTW, I can use chmod.

which do you use variant of OS and which version?
what is error?

You are the owner of the file but you are not the new owner if chown.
Therefore tou must be root.

Is says: Operation not permitted.

uname -a

gives me this:

Linux x.x.xx-xxx.x.x.elx #1 SMP Tue Jan 4 13:32:19 EST 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

hmm ok.if you change owner/group a file you must be superuser.chown controls `ran chown which user ID and what is ID of the file owner,
if these equals chown is permitted else not permitted'.
if user ID equals 0,then any chown or chgrp operations is permitted.

for achieve this as normal user,you can use sudo.