Cannot run installed GNU compiler, Solaris 10

Am new to Solaris OS and need to install the GNU cpp compiler. Followed the instructions from Sunfreeware for installing the gcc compiler and it looks as if it correctly installed but i cannot run it from the command window.

# cd /usr/local/bin
# ls
c++                            i386-pc-solaris2.10-c++
cpp                            i386-pc-solaris2.10-g++
g++                            i386-pc-solaris2.10-gcc
g77                            i386-pc-solaris2.10-gcc-3.4.6
gcc                            iconv
gccbug                         make

as can bee seen above the files seem to be installed in the directory /usr/local/bin. However when i check to if i can call it:

# gcc -v
gcc: nicht gefunden

so at first i thought that maybe the directory was not in the path so i added it the the profile file in the /ect/ directory.

still some how after reading most of the help i cant find a real deal breaker for what i am doing wrong!!!! i am not very familiar with th solaris OS so any help would be much appreciated.


Seems it is not in your path. Do a

echo $PATH

If /usr/local/bin is missing, you might want to add it in the appropriate environment file and then source it like for example:

. ~/.profile

Installing gcc from SunFreeware was probably unnecessary as Solaris 10 already bundles gcc.

Unless you have a stripped off installation, adding /usr/sfw/bin to your PATH is sufficient.