cannot load linux on compaq tc1000

Any one try this. I am getting errors or it just hangs up. I have tried redhat, suse,ubuntu etc but nothing will load.

When i try to boot the live cd they boot up OK but then just hang after a while and the cd rom stop spinning etc.

Just wondering if anyone has use this hdw and what linux they loaded on it.

Your tablet has a very strange processor, a Transmeta Crusoe. It's an almost-but-not-quite-x86-compatible. And portable machines almost always have their own unique problems...

First I'd try booting a Gentoo minimal livecd. Gentoo can boot on nearly anything, and their tiny livecd's are lovely for debugging. The minimal CD just boots to a BASH prompt without installing anything.

  • When it first asks you what kernel to load, tell it gentoo-nofb nodetect. This tells it to use a plain VGA console, and forces it to not load device drivers. If it can't even boot that, you might need a distro compiled for your weird processor.
  • If it can get to the BASH prompt, great. /sbin/reboot and try booting again, this time with just gentoo-nofb. This time it will try and detect all your hardware as it boots.
  • If that hangs anywhere, it may have a problem with a specific device driver. Try options like 'nopcmcia', 'nousb', etc after gentoo-nofb. You can get a list on the kernel-selector screen with the F1 through F7 keys.

I have no issue like this.