Cannot kill a process with kill -9

Hello everyone,

I have a process that I want to kill. I have tried

kill-9 PID

but it doesn't work. I have tried

preap PID

but it doesn't work too.

The parent of my process is the process whose PID is 1, so I can't kill it.

My OS is a Solaris 9.

Can anyone help me understand what's going ?




should be

kill -9

What return code do you get:

ps -ef | grep pid
kill -9 pid
echo "return code is: $?"
ps -ef | grep pid

Please post the result

Thak you jim. The kill do not return any code.

kill -9 25555
echo $?

has to show number. Period. It will return a 1 when the pid does not exist, or you do not have permissions to kill the process.

Something is completely wrong here. Please post EXACTLY what you type and what you get from those two commands. Otherwise this is not going to help you at all.